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  • About Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's
    Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's belongs to a group of medicines known as 'non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs' (NSAID). It is composed of aceclofenac and paracetamol primarily used to reduce pain and inflammation. The pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. When you do something that hurts your body, your brain triggers the pain response. Inflammation is a localized physical condition in which part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot and often painful, especially as a reaction to injury or infection.
    Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's is composed of two medicines: Aceclofenac (pain reducer) and Paracetamol (fever reducer). Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's helps in relieving pain from conditions like headache, mild migraine, muscle pain, dental pain, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis and painful menses (periods). Aceclofenac works by inhibiting the effect of chemical messengers like prostaglandins (responsible for producing pain and inflammation). Paracetamol has both analgesic and antipyretic (fever reducer) properties which decreases mild pain and possibly fever.
    Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's should be swallowed whole with liquid, preferably after meals as it helps to prevent any potential gastric irritation the drug might cause when taken empty stomach. Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's is generally safe to consume. Some people may experience dizziness, nausea (feeling sick), digestion problems (constipation, flatulence, diarrhoea) and skin reactions (like rashes, hives). Most of the side effects of Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's do not require medical attention and gradually resolve over time. However, if the side effects are persistent, reach out to your doctor.
    Taking more than the daily prescribed dose of Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's may cause liver damage or allergic reactions like swelling of the mouth, face, throat, difficulty in breathing, skin rash or itching. Gastrointestinal bleeding, ulcer formation may be observed with the use of Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's, so the doctor may prescribe you the lowest dose available.
    Uses of Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's
    Pain and fever relief
    Medicinal Benefits
    Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's helps to reduce pain and inflammations caused due to various complications or conditions. It significantly works on providing relief from pain for extended hours. It contains paracetamol which is less irritant to the stomach than other pain killers. Hence, it is well tolerated by patients who have allergy to aspirin or risk of gastro bleeding or ulcer formation. Besides this, it does not affect bleeding time and also helps in reducing fever due to pain or swelling.
    Directions for Use
    Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's should be swallowed whole with liquid, preferably after meals as food helps to prevent any potential gastric irritation the drug might cause when taken empty stomach.
    Afenak Plus NS Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight
    Side Effects of Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's
    Digestion problems (like constipation, flatulence, diarrhoea)
    Increased liver enzymes in the blood (diagnosed through liver function test).
    About Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's https://365chemists.com/product/afenak-plus-100-mg-500-mg-tablet-aceclofenac-100mg-paracetamol-500mg/ Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's belongs to a group of medicines known as 'non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs' (NSAID). It is composed of aceclofenac and paracetamol primarily used to reduce pain and inflammation. The pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. When you do something that hurts your body, your brain triggers the pain response. Inflammation is a localized physical condition in which part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot and often painful, especially as a reaction to injury or infection. Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's is composed of two medicines: Aceclofenac (pain reducer) and Paracetamol (fever reducer). Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's helps in relieving pain from conditions like headache, mild migraine, muscle pain, dental pain, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis and painful menses (periods). Aceclofenac works by inhibiting the effect of chemical messengers like prostaglandins (responsible for producing pain and inflammation). Paracetamol has both analgesic and antipyretic (fever reducer) properties which decreases mild pain and possibly fever. Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's should be swallowed whole with liquid, preferably after meals as it helps to prevent any potential gastric irritation the drug might cause when taken empty stomach. Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's is generally safe to consume. Some people may experience dizziness, nausea (feeling sick), digestion problems (constipation, flatulence, diarrhoea) and skin reactions (like rashes, hives). Most of the side effects of Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's do not require medical attention and gradually resolve over time. However, if the side effects are persistent, reach out to your doctor. Taking more than the daily prescribed dose of Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's may cause liver damage or allergic reactions like swelling of the mouth, face, throat, difficulty in breathing, skin rash or itching. Gastrointestinal bleeding, ulcer formation may be observed with the use of Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's, so the doctor may prescribe you the lowest dose available. Uses of Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's Pain and fever relief Medicinal Benefits Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's helps to reduce pain and inflammations caused due to various complications or conditions. It significantly works on providing relief from pain for extended hours. It contains paracetamol which is less irritant to the stomach than other pain killers. Hence, it is well tolerated by patients who have allergy to aspirin or risk of gastro bleeding or ulcer formation. Besides this, it does not affect bleeding time and also helps in reducing fever due to pain or swelling. Directions for Use Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's should be swallowed whole with liquid, preferably after meals as food helps to prevent any potential gastric irritation the drug might cause when taken empty stomach. Storage Afenak Plus NS Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight Side Effects of Afenak Plus NS Tablet 10's Dizziness Nausea Digestion problems (like constipation, flatulence, diarrhoea) Increased liver enzymes in the blood (diagnosed through liver function test).
    Afenak Plus 100mg/500mg Tablet (Aceclofenac 100mg/Paracetamol 500mg)
  • About Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's
    Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's belongs to the class of medicines known as statins, which reduces bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein-LDL) and glyceride level, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke in the future. High cholesterol, known as hyperlipidemia or dyslipidemia, occurs when there is an excess of the unhealthy balance of cholesterol in the blood. When there is a high cholesterol level in the blood, your arteries get narrowed and clogged, finally contributing to heart diseases like stroke and heart attack.
    Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's works by blocking liver enzymes, causing the liver to make less cholesterol. Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's increases the uptake and breakdown by the liver of cholesterol already in the blood. Thus, Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's lowers the levels of lipids known as cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood when lifestyle changes (like a low-fat diet) on their own have failed. Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's reduces the ‘bad’ cholesterol and increases the ‘good’ cholesterol by blocking our body’s production of ‘bad’ cholesterol. It also improves your body’s ability to remove it from your blood.
    The possible side effects of Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's may include myalgia (muscle pain), asthenia (lack of energy), nausea, headache, abdominal pain, muscle pain, weakness, and daytime drowsiness. Most of these side effects of Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's do not require medical attention and gradually resolve over time. However, if the side effects are persistent, reach out to your doctor. It is important to have your lipid profile checked regularly.
    This medicine is only one part of a treatment program that should include a healthy low-fat diet, regular exercise, smoking cessation, moderation of alcohol intake and weight reduction. You can normally eat while taking this medicine but avoid high-fat foods. Before starting the dose of Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's, tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, are pregnant or breastfeeding, diabetes, severe lung disease, or musculoskeletal disorder (like myopathy and rhabdomyolysis). You should avoid taking Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's with immune system affecting medicine (cyclosporine) or anti-HIV medicines (lopinavir, ritonavir, or atazanavir) as it might have a serious effect.
    Uses of Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's
    Hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol), Prevention of heart attack, Prevention of stroke.
    Medicinal Benefits
    Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and coronary events like heart attack, stroke, and heart-related chest pain (angina). Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's is beneficial in patients who are at high risk of these events. It is also prescribed in children (aged eight years or more) suffering from familial hypercholesterolemia (a genetic disease resulting in high cholesterol) along with lipid-lowering pills and other dietary measures. Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's plays a vital role in slowing atherosclerosis progress (blocked artery walls of heart due to fat/lipid deposition leading to heart attack and stroke) in adult patients.
    Directions for Use
    Rosuless 40 Tablet: Swallow it as a whole with water; do not crush, break or chew it.Sprinkle Capsule: The capsule should be consumed whole. Do not chew or crush. For patients who have trouble swallowing, open the capsule and sprinkle the contents over a small amount (tablespoon) of soft food (curd, honey, tomato ketchup, vanilla and chocolate flavour pudding) and consume it.
    Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight
    Side Effects of Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's
    Myalgia (muscle pain)
    Asthenia (lack of energy)
    Abdominal pain
    Muscle pain
    Daytime drowsiness.
    About Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's https://365chemists.com/product/rosuless-40mg-tablet-rosuvastatin-usa-fast-delivery/ Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's belongs to the class of medicines known as statins, which reduces bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein-LDL) and glyceride level, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke in the future. High cholesterol, known as hyperlipidemia or dyslipidemia, occurs when there is an excess of the unhealthy balance of cholesterol in the blood. When there is a high cholesterol level in the blood, your arteries get narrowed and clogged, finally contributing to heart diseases like stroke and heart attack. Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's works by blocking liver enzymes, causing the liver to make less cholesterol. Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's increases the uptake and breakdown by the liver of cholesterol already in the blood. Thus, Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's lowers the levels of lipids known as cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood when lifestyle changes (like a low-fat diet) on their own have failed. Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's reduces the ‘bad’ cholesterol and increases the ‘good’ cholesterol by blocking our body’s production of ‘bad’ cholesterol. It also improves your body’s ability to remove it from your blood. The possible side effects of Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's may include myalgia (muscle pain), asthenia (lack of energy), nausea, headache, abdominal pain, muscle pain, weakness, and daytime drowsiness. Most of these side effects of Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's do not require medical attention and gradually resolve over time. However, if the side effects are persistent, reach out to your doctor. It is important to have your lipid profile checked regularly. This medicine is only one part of a treatment program that should include a healthy low-fat diet, regular exercise, smoking cessation, moderation of alcohol intake and weight reduction. You can normally eat while taking this medicine but avoid high-fat foods. Before starting the dose of Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's, tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, are pregnant or breastfeeding, diabetes, severe lung disease, or musculoskeletal disorder (like myopathy and rhabdomyolysis). You should avoid taking Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's with immune system affecting medicine (cyclosporine) or anti-HIV medicines (lopinavir, ritonavir, or atazanavir) as it might have a serious effect. Uses of Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's Hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol), Prevention of heart attack, Prevention of stroke. Medicinal Benefits Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and coronary events like heart attack, stroke, and heart-related chest pain (angina). Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's is beneficial in patients who are at high risk of these events. It is also prescribed in children (aged eight years or more) suffering from familial hypercholesterolemia (a genetic disease resulting in high cholesterol) along with lipid-lowering pills and other dietary measures. Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's plays a vital role in slowing atherosclerosis progress (blocked artery walls of heart due to fat/lipid deposition leading to heart attack and stroke) in adult patients. Directions for Use Rosuless 40 Tablet: Swallow it as a whole with water; do not crush, break or chew it.Sprinkle Capsule: The capsule should be consumed whole. Do not chew or crush. For patients who have trouble swallowing, open the capsule and sprinkle the contents over a small amount (tablespoon) of soft food (curd, honey, tomato ketchup, vanilla and chocolate flavour pudding) and consume it. Storage Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight Side Effects of Rosuless 40 Tablet 15's Myalgia (muscle pain) Asthenia (lack of energy) Nausea Headache Abdominal pain Muscle pain Weakness Daytime drowsiness.
    Rosuless 40mg Tablet (Rosuvastatin 40mg)
  • About Lumerax 80 Tablet 6's
    Lumerax 80 Tablet 6's belongs to the class of 'anti-malarial drugs', primarily used to treat and prevent malaria. Malaria is a disease caused by a plasmodium parasite, transmitted by the bite of infected Anopheles mosquitoes. When an infected mosquito bites a healthy person, it transmits the 'Plasmodium parasite' into the bloodstream, which affects the red blood cells and liver cells. Malaria symptoms usually start in 10 days to 4 weeks after the infection. They include chills, high fever, profuse sweating, headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, anaemia, muscle pain, convulsions, coma and bloody stools.
    Lumerax 80 Tablet 6's contains two medicines, namely: Artemether and Lumefantrine. These are anti-malarial drugs that interfere with Plasmodium parasite's growth in the red blood cells of the human body. Lumerax 80 Tablet 6's is a combination that is used to treat non-severe malaria caused by a parasite called 'Plasmodium falciparum,' other Plasmodium species. It works by inhibiting nucleic acid and protein synthesis in Plasmodium falciparum. Artemether is known to reduce parasite biomass and Lumefantrine eliminates residual parasites.
    Your doctor will decide the dose and duration based on your medical condition. Common side effects of Lumerax 80 Tablet 6's include headache, dizziness, loss of appetite, weakness, fever, chills, tiredness, muscle/joint pain, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, cough and trouble sleeping. These side effects are not familiar to everyone and vary individually. If you notice any side effects that are not manageable, please consult your doctor.
    Before using Lumerax 80 Tablet 6's, inform your doctor if you recently used any prescription and non-prescription medications, including other anti-malarial or antibiotic drugs. Let your doctor know if you are allergic to Lumerax 80 Tablet 6's or its components. Inform your doctor if you have any liver or kidney problems, severe heart diseases and electrolyte imbalance. It is essential to let your doctor know if you are pregnant, planning to conceive or a breastfeeding mother. Avoiding alcohol is recommended to rule out any possibility of side effects.
    Uses of Lumerax 80 Tablet 6's
    Medicinal Benefits
    Lumerax 80 Tablet 6's contains two anti-malarial drugs, namely: Artemether and Lumefantrine. It is a combination that treats non-severe malaria caused by a parasite called 'Plasmodium falciparum', other Plasmodium species. It interferes with the growth of Plasmodium parasites in the red blood cells of the human body. Lumerax 80 Tablet 6's works by inhibiting nucleic acid and protein synthesis in Plasmodium falciparum. Artemether reduces parasite biomass and Lumefantrine eliminates residual parasites.
    Directions for Use
    Lumerax 80 Tablet: Swallow it as a whole with a glass of water, do not chew or break the tablet.For patients like infants and children who cannot swallow the tablets, crush the tablet and mix it with 1 to 2 teaspoons of water in a clean container and administer it. Rinse the container with more water and swallow the contents. You can also give the crushed tablet preparation with food/drink like milk, formula, pudding, broth and porridge.Syrup/suspension: Shake the bottle well before use. Take the prescribed dose by mouth using the measuring cup/dosing syringe/dropper provided by the pack.
    Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight
    Side Effects of Lumerax 80 Tablet 6's
    Loss of appetite
    Muscle/joint pain
    About Lumerax 80 Tablet 6's https://365chemists.com/product/lumerax-80-mg-tablet/ Lumerax 80 Tablet 6's belongs to the class of 'anti-malarial drugs', primarily used to treat and prevent malaria. Malaria is a disease caused by a plasmodium parasite, transmitted by the bite of infected Anopheles mosquitoes. When an infected mosquito bites a healthy person, it transmits the 'Plasmodium parasite' into the bloodstream, which affects the red blood cells and liver cells. Malaria symptoms usually start in 10 days to 4 weeks after the infection. They include chills, high fever, profuse sweating, headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, anaemia, muscle pain, convulsions, coma and bloody stools. Lumerax 80 Tablet 6's contains two medicines, namely: Artemether and Lumefantrine. These are anti-malarial drugs that interfere with Plasmodium parasite's growth in the red blood cells of the human body. Lumerax 80 Tablet 6's is a combination that is used to treat non-severe malaria caused by a parasite called 'Plasmodium falciparum,' other Plasmodium species. It works by inhibiting nucleic acid and protein synthesis in Plasmodium falciparum. Artemether is known to reduce parasite biomass and Lumefantrine eliminates residual parasites. Your doctor will decide the dose and duration based on your medical condition. Common side effects of Lumerax 80 Tablet 6's include headache, dizziness, loss of appetite, weakness, fever, chills, tiredness, muscle/joint pain, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, cough and trouble sleeping. These side effects are not familiar to everyone and vary individually. If you notice any side effects that are not manageable, please consult your doctor. Before using Lumerax 80 Tablet 6's, inform your doctor if you recently used any prescription and non-prescription medications, including other anti-malarial or antibiotic drugs. Let your doctor know if you are allergic to Lumerax 80 Tablet 6's or its components. Inform your doctor if you have any liver or kidney problems, severe heart diseases and electrolyte imbalance. It is essential to let your doctor know if you are pregnant, planning to conceive or a breastfeeding mother. Avoiding alcohol is recommended to rule out any possibility of side effects. Uses of Lumerax 80 Tablet 6's Malaria. Medicinal Benefits Lumerax 80 Tablet 6's contains two anti-malarial drugs, namely: Artemether and Lumefantrine. It is a combination that treats non-severe malaria caused by a parasite called 'Plasmodium falciparum', other Plasmodium species. It interferes with the growth of Plasmodium parasites in the red blood cells of the human body. Lumerax 80 Tablet 6's works by inhibiting nucleic acid and protein synthesis in Plasmodium falciparum. Artemether reduces parasite biomass and Lumefantrine eliminates residual parasites. Directions for Use Lumerax 80 Tablet: Swallow it as a whole with a glass of water, do not chew or break the tablet.For patients like infants and children who cannot swallow the tablets, crush the tablet and mix it with 1 to 2 teaspoons of water in a clean container and administer it. Rinse the container with more water and swallow the contents. You can also give the crushed tablet preparation with food/drink like milk, formula, pudding, broth and porridge.Syrup/suspension: Shake the bottle well before use. Take the prescribed dose by mouth using the measuring cup/dosing syringe/dropper provided by the pack. Storage Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight Side Effects of Lumerax 80 Tablet 6's Headache Dizziness Loss of appetite Weakness Fever Chills Tiredness Muscle/joint pain Nausea.
    Lumerax 80 mg Tablet (Artemether)
    VIAGRA 50MG TABLET contains Sildenafil which belongs to the group of medicines called Phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE 5) inhibitors. It helps in relaxing the blood vessels and allows more blood flow to the penis.Avoid taking heavy meals while taking VIAGRA 50MG TABLET, as it could delay the onset of action. Before taking VIAGRA 50MG TABLET, inform your doctor if you have any liver, kidney, or heart problems. You must also inform your doctor if you have pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and taking medications.
    VIAGRA 50MG TABLET is not intended for use in women. It is also not suitable for use in children and adolescents (below 18 years). Inform your doctor if you experience any pain after taking VIAGRA 50MG TABLET.The most common side effects of taking VIAGRA 50MG TABLET are flushing, headache, dizziness, blurred vision and muscle pain. Consult your doctor if any of the side effect troubles you.
    It is used to:
    Improves blood flow and oxygen supply to the penis
    VIAGRA 50MG TABLET works by blocking the effects of certain enzymes (PDE5) which limits blood flow to the penis. Therefore, it relaxes the blood vessels supplying the penis and improves blood flow and oxygen supply.
    Take VIAGRA 50MG TABLET as advised by your physician. Your doctor will decide the correct dose and duration of therapy for you depending upon your age, body weight and disease condition.
    For Tablet, Capsule: Swallow the medicine with a glass of water. Do not crush or chew the medicine.
    For Effervescent Tablet: Dissolve the medicine in a glass of water and then consume it immediately. Do not crush or chew the medicine.
    For Oral Spray: Spray the medicine beneath the tongue.
    For Oral strips or Oral jelly: Place the medicine inside the mouth until it dissolves on its own. Do not swallow or crush or chew the medicine.
    WHAT IS VIAGRA 50MG TABLET https://365chemists.com/product/power-vegra-50mg VIAGRA 50MG TABLET contains Sildenafil which belongs to the group of medicines called Phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE 5) inhibitors. It helps in relaxing the blood vessels and allows more blood flow to the penis.Avoid taking heavy meals while taking VIAGRA 50MG TABLET, as it could delay the onset of action. Before taking VIAGRA 50MG TABLET, inform your doctor if you have any liver, kidney, or heart problems. You must also inform your doctor if you have pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and taking medications. VIAGRA 50MG TABLET is not intended for use in women. It is also not suitable for use in children and adolescents (below 18 years). Inform your doctor if you experience any pain after taking VIAGRA 50MG TABLET.The most common side effects of taking VIAGRA 50MG TABLET are flushing, headache, dizziness, blurred vision and muscle pain. Consult your doctor if any of the side effect troubles you. USES OF VIAGRA 50MG TABLET It is used to: Improves blood flow and oxygen supply to the penis HOW VIAGRA 50MG TABLET WORKS VIAGRA 50MG TABLET works by blocking the effects of certain enzymes (PDE5) which limits blood flow to the penis. Therefore, it relaxes the blood vessels supplying the penis and improves blood flow and oxygen supply. DIRECTIONS FOR USE Take VIAGRA 50MG TABLET as advised by your physician. Your doctor will decide the correct dose and duration of therapy for you depending upon your age, body weight and disease condition. For Tablet, Capsule: Swallow the medicine with a glass of water. Do not crush or chew the medicine. For Effervescent Tablet: Dissolve the medicine in a glass of water and then consume it immediately. Do not crush or chew the medicine. For Oral Spray: Spray the medicine beneath the tongue. For Oral strips or Oral jelly: Place the medicine inside the mouth until it dissolves on its own. Do not swallow or crush or chew the medicine.
    Viagra 50mg Tablet (sildenafil citrate )
    IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET contains Ivermectin which belongs to the group of medicines called Antiparasitic agents. It is used to treat parasitic infections like intestinal strongyloidiasis (infection in gut caused by a type of round worm called strongyloides stercoralis), infection caused by Wuchereria bancrofti in blood and tissues and human scabies (infectious disease of the skin) after previous treatment has failed. It is also used for the treatment of Onchocerciasis (known as river blindness, parasitic disease caused by Onchocerca volvulus).
    Before taking IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET, inform your doctor if you have a condition called loa loa (eye infection) or have a weak immune system and taking any other medicines for other conditions.
    IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET is not recommended for use in pregnant and breastfeeding women unless advised by the doctor. Contact your doctor before taking this medicine.
    The safety and effectiveness of IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET in children weighing less than 15 kg has not been evaluated. IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET should be used with caution in elderly patients (aged 65 years and above).
    The most common side effects of taking IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET are diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, itching and fast heart rate. Consult your doctor if any of the side effects worsen.
    It is used to treat:
    Intestinal strongyloidiasis
    Parasitic infection caused by Wuchereria bancrofti in blood and tissues
    Human scabies after previous treatment has failed
    Onchocerciasis (river blindness)
    IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET works by binding to the nerve and muscle cells of parasites leading to their death, thus helps to treat various parasitic infections.
    Take IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET as advised by your physician.
    For Tablet: Swallow IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET with a glass of water. Do not crush or chew the medicine. But in children younger than 6 years, the medicine should be crushed before swallowing.
    For Dispersible Tablet: Disperse IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET in the specified quantity of water as advised by your doctor. Consume the mixture immediately after reconstitution.
    Dose and duration will be decided by your doctor depending upon your age, body weight and disease condition.
    Joint pain, synovitis
    Axillary lymph, inguinal or cervical lymph node enlargement and tenderness
    Edema, facial and peripheral edema
    Papular and pustular or frank urticarial rash
    Inflammation of the corneal limbus
    Fast heart rate
    Low blood pressure when standing up from sitting or lying position (orthostatic hypotension)
    Abnormal physical weakness
    Stomach pain
    Sleepiness, vertigo (spinning sensation of the head)
    Rash, urticaria
    Headache, muscle pain
    Stop taking IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET and contact your physician immediately if you experience any of the following side effects:
    Allergic reaction (such as rash, hives, itching, sudden fever and difficulty breathing).
    WHAT IS USE OF IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET https://365chemists.com/product/ivermectol-12mg-tablet-ivermectin-12mg-usa-fast-delivery/ IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET contains Ivermectin which belongs to the group of medicines called Antiparasitic agents. It is used to treat parasitic infections like intestinal strongyloidiasis (infection in gut caused by a type of round worm called strongyloides stercoralis), infection caused by Wuchereria bancrofti in blood and tissues and human scabies (infectious disease of the skin) after previous treatment has failed. It is also used for the treatment of Onchocerciasis (known as river blindness, parasitic disease caused by Onchocerca volvulus). Before taking IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET, inform your doctor if you have a condition called loa loa (eye infection) or have a weak immune system and taking any other medicines for other conditions. IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET is not recommended for use in pregnant and breastfeeding women unless advised by the doctor. Contact your doctor before taking this medicine. The safety and effectiveness of IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET in children weighing less than 15 kg has not been evaluated. IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET should be used with caution in elderly patients (aged 65 years and above). The most common side effects of taking IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET are diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, itching and fast heart rate. Consult your doctor if any of the side effects worsen. USES OF IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET It is used to treat: Intestinal strongyloidiasis Parasitic infection caused by Wuchereria bancrofti in blood and tissues Human scabies after previous treatment has failed Onchocerciasis (river blindness) HOW IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET WORKS IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET works by binding to the nerve and muscle cells of parasites leading to their death, thus helps to treat various parasitic infections. DIRECTIONS FOR USE Take IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET as advised by your physician. For Tablet: Swallow IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET with a glass of water. Do not crush or chew the medicine. But in children younger than 6 years, the medicine should be crushed before swallowing. For Dispersible Tablet: Disperse IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET in the specified quantity of water as advised by your doctor. Consume the mixture immediately after reconstitution. Dose and duration will be decided by your doctor depending upon your age, body weight and disease condition. SIDE EFFECTS OF IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET IVERMECTOL Diarrhea Nausea Dizziness Joint pain, synovitis Axillary lymph, inguinal or cervical lymph node enlargement and tenderness Itching Edema, facial and peripheral edema Papular and pustular or frank urticarial rash Fever Inflammation of the corneal limbus Fast heart rate Low blood pressure when standing up from sitting or lying position (orthostatic hypotension) UNCOMMON Abnormal physical weakness Stomach pain Sleepiness, vertigo (spinning sensation of the head) Shakiness Rash, urticaria Headache, muscle pain RARE Stop taking IVERMECTOL 12MG TABLET and contact your physician immediately if you experience any of the following side effects: Allergic reaction (such as rash, hives, itching, sudden fever and difficulty breathing).
    Ivermectol 12 Tablet | Ivermectin 12mg | USA Fast Delivery
    Ivermectol 12mg Tablet is a prescription medication containing Ivermectin 12mg, which is effective in treating various parasitic infections.
    GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE contains Gabapentin which belongs to the group of medicines called Anticonvulsants. It is used in the treatment of various forms of epilepsy alone or in combination with other medicine and treats peripheral neuropathic pain.
    Epilepsy is the disturbed nerve cell activity in the brain, causing seizures or periods of unusual behaviour, sensations and sometimes loss of consciousness. Peripheral neuropathic pain is a long-term weakness, numbness or pain caused by damage to the nerves in hands and legs characterized by a feeling of hot, burning, throbbing, shooting, sharp, tingling, numbness.
    Do not stop taking GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE suddenly, as this may lead to increased risk of seizures. Your doctor might want to take certain tests before starting the treatment.
    GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE should be used with caution patients having kidney problems, are on hemodialysis, muscle pain and/or weakness, suffer with different types of seizures including absences, persistent stomach pain, feeling sick and being sick (symptoms of inflamed pancreas), history of drug dependence or abuse, intolerance to certain sugar, have nervous system or respiratory disorders.
    GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE is not recommended for use in pregnant and breastfeeding women. GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE is not recommended for use in children aged below 6 years and should be used with caution in elder patients 65 years of age and above.
    One of the serious side effects associated with GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE is self-harming thoughts, contact your doctor immediately if you experience such unusual reactions.
    The most common side effects of taking GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE are dizziness, drowsiness, blurred vision, viral infection, lack of coordination. Consult your doctor if the above symptoms do not improve.
    Used to treat:
    Various forms of epilepsy (fits)
    Peripheral neuropathic pain
    GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE works effectively by altering the electrical activity in the brain by inhibiting the voltage-gated calcium channels and decreasing the release of excitatory neurotransmitters, thus preventing fits or seizures.GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE also blocks the pain signals travelling through the damaged nerves and the brain and prevents nerve pain.
    Take GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE as directed by your physician. Swallow GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE as whole with a glass full of water. Do not crush or chew the medicine. Correct dosage and duration will be prescribed by your doctor depending upon your age, body weight, and health condition.
    Fever, chills, runny nose, cough
    Drowsiness, dizziness, lack of coordination
    Tiredness, fever
    Signs of upper respiratory tract infection (sore throat, inflamed sinuses, common cold)
    Signs of urinary tract infection (bladder pain, foul smell, cloudy urine, frequent urination)
    GABIMAX Inflammation of the ear or other infections
    Eating disorder characterized by low body weight, increased appetite
    Anger towards others, confusion, mood changes, depression, anxiety, nervousness, difficulty with thinking
    Jerky movements, difficulty with speaking, loss of memory, tremor, difficulty sleeping, headache, sensitive skin, decreased sensation (numbness), difficulty with coordination, unusual eye movement, increased, decreased or absent reflexes
    Blurred or double vision
    High blood pressure, flushing.
    WHAT IS GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE https://365chemists.com/product/gabimax-400mg-capsule-gabapentin-400mg GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE contains Gabapentin which belongs to the group of medicines called Anticonvulsants. It is used in the treatment of various forms of epilepsy alone or in combination with other medicine and treats peripheral neuropathic pain. Epilepsy is the disturbed nerve cell activity in the brain, causing seizures or periods of unusual behaviour, sensations and sometimes loss of consciousness. Peripheral neuropathic pain is a long-term weakness, numbness or pain caused by damage to the nerves in hands and legs characterized by a feeling of hot, burning, throbbing, shooting, sharp, tingling, numbness. Do not stop taking GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE suddenly, as this may lead to increased risk of seizures. Your doctor might want to take certain tests before starting the treatment. GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE should be used with caution patients having kidney problems, are on hemodialysis, muscle pain and/or weakness, suffer with different types of seizures including absences, persistent stomach pain, feeling sick and being sick (symptoms of inflamed pancreas), history of drug dependence or abuse, intolerance to certain sugar, have nervous system or respiratory disorders. GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE is not recommended for use in pregnant and breastfeeding women. GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE is not recommended for use in children aged below 6 years and should be used with caution in elder patients 65 years of age and above. One of the serious side effects associated with GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE is self-harming thoughts, contact your doctor immediately if you experience such unusual reactions. The most common side effects of taking GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE are dizziness, drowsiness, blurred vision, viral infection, lack of coordination. Consult your doctor if the above symptoms do not improve. USES OF GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE Used to treat: Various forms of epilepsy (fits) Peripheral neuropathic pain HOW GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE WORKS GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE works effectively by altering the electrical activity in the brain by inhibiting the voltage-gated calcium channels and decreasing the release of excitatory neurotransmitters, thus preventing fits or seizures.GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE also blocks the pain signals travelling through the damaged nerves and the brain and prevents nerve pain. DIRECTIONS FOR USE Take GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE as directed by your physician. Swallow GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE as whole with a glass full of water. Do not crush or chew the medicine. Correct dosage and duration will be prescribed by your doctor depending upon your age, body weight, and health condition. SIDE EFFECTS OF GABIMAX 400MG CAPSULE COMMON Fever, chills, runny nose, cough Drowsiness, dizziness, lack of coordination Tiredness, fever Pneumonia Signs of upper respiratory tract infection (sore throat, inflamed sinuses, common cold) Signs of urinary tract infection (bladder pain, foul smell, cloudy urine, frequent urination) GABIMAX Inflammation of the ear or other infections Eating disorder characterized by low body weight, increased appetite Anger towards others, confusion, mood changes, depression, anxiety, nervousness, difficulty with thinking Jerky movements, difficulty with speaking, loss of memory, tremor, difficulty sleeping, headache, sensitive skin, decreased sensation (numbness), difficulty with coordination, unusual eye movement, increased, decreased or absent reflexes Blurred or double vision High blood pressure, flushing.
    Gabimax 400mg Capsule (Gabapentin 400)
  • About R-Cin 300 Capsule 10's
    R-Cin 300 Capsule 10's belongs to the group of medicines called macrolide antibiotics primarily used in combination with other medicines to treat tuberculosis (TB). Tuberculosis is an infectious respiratory disease that affects the lungs, but it can also spread to other body parts such as the kidneys, brain, spine, and bone marrow. It is also used to treat other bacterial infections. R-Cin 300 Capsule 10's does not work against infections caused by the virus, including cold and flu. As R-Cin 300 Capsule 10's is an antibiotic, it does not work against infections caused by the virus, including cold and flu. The bacteria causing tuberculosis (TB) are highly contagious that spread from one person to another via tiny droplets released into the air (through coughs or sneezes).
    Uses of R-Cin 300 Capsule 10's
    Tuberculosis (TB)
    Medicinal Benefits
    R-Cin 300 Capsule 10's contains 'Rifampicin' that treats Tuberculosis (TB) by inactivating a bacterial genetic material that allows TB bacteria to make a copy of its protein for further growth inside the host cell (human). R-Cin 300 Capsule 10's is active against gram-positive cocci bacteria like Mycobacteria, Clostridium difficle and gram-negative bacteria like Neisseria meningitides, N.
    Directions for Use
    Tablet/Capsule: Take R-Cin 300 Capsule 10's 30 minutes before food or 2 hours after food on an empty stomach. Swallow R-Cin 300 Capsule 10's as a whole; do not crush or chew the tablet/capsule. The dose and duration of R-Cin 300 Capsule 10's can vary depending on your condition and the severity of the infection.Dispersible tablet (DT): Before taking this, take a glass of water and disperse the tablet in it and then drink it.Suspension: Shake the bottle well. It can be taken 30 minutes before or 2 hours after food on an empty stomach.
    Side Effects of R-Cin 300 Capsule 10's
    Muscle pain
    About R-Cin 300 Capsule 10's https://365chemists.com/product/r-cin-300-capsule-rifampicin R-Cin 300 Capsule 10's belongs to the group of medicines called macrolide antibiotics primarily used in combination with other medicines to treat tuberculosis (TB). Tuberculosis is an infectious respiratory disease that affects the lungs, but it can also spread to other body parts such as the kidneys, brain, spine, and bone marrow. It is also used to treat other bacterial infections. R-Cin 300 Capsule 10's does not work against infections caused by the virus, including cold and flu. As R-Cin 300 Capsule 10's is an antibiotic, it does not work against infections caused by the virus, including cold and flu. The bacteria causing tuberculosis (TB) are highly contagious that spread from one person to another via tiny droplets released into the air (through coughs or sneezes). Uses of R-Cin 300 Capsule 10's Tuberculosis (TB) Medicinal Benefits R-Cin 300 Capsule 10's contains 'Rifampicin' that treats Tuberculosis (TB) by inactivating a bacterial genetic material that allows TB bacteria to make a copy of its protein for further growth inside the host cell (human). R-Cin 300 Capsule 10's is active against gram-positive cocci bacteria like Mycobacteria, Clostridium difficle and gram-negative bacteria like Neisseria meningitides, N. Directions for Use Tablet/Capsule: Take R-Cin 300 Capsule 10's 30 minutes before food or 2 hours after food on an empty stomach. Swallow R-Cin 300 Capsule 10's as a whole; do not crush or chew the tablet/capsule. The dose and duration of R-Cin 300 Capsule 10's can vary depending on your condition and the severity of the infection.Dispersible tablet (DT): Before taking this, take a glass of water and disperse the tablet in it and then drink it.Suspension: Shake the bottle well. It can be taken 30 minutes before or 2 hours after food on an empty stomach. Side Effects of R-Cin 300 Capsule 10's Drowsiness Dizziness Headache Weakness Muscle pain Heartburn
    R-Cin 300mg | Rifampicin (300mg) | 365chemists.com
    R-Cin 300mg Capsule is used in the treatment of Tuberculosis (TB). View R-Cin 300 Capsule buy online at best price on 365chemists.com
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    is an powerful method that works on your fitness and enables you triumph over all health issues in a quick time period as this formulation is certainly designed and you may handiest get advantages and no side consequences with its utilization. This components is beneficial in lowering the hassle of insomnia, frame ache, low immunity, and plenty of greater and it is able to be utilized
    Reference Url ---
    Commonly, people want to intake medication from time to time when they suffer from sicknesses. They become cured of the diseases but a few outcomes get up within the body due to the consumption of the drugs, the aspect outcomes are specifically ache, pressure, irritation, fatigue, and even they suffer from sleeplessness.  Not simplest medicinal drug can reason pain, pressure, and aches in the human body but normally, human beings must be afflicted by the above diseases whilst they are in mid-age. So, whatever the motives are for fitness problems, human beings have to take an initiative in want of entire comfort.  According to the marketplace studies, "Green Dolphin CBD Gummies" have grow to be the first-rate ones in want of permanent alleviation from ache & aches, pressure, anxiety, and some other chronic sicknesses. This you could provide you with a entire solution due to the fact it's far processed with many natural substances. It is also an effective one to nourish mental, physiological, and bodily wellness. Visit the Official Website Here for the Best Discounted Price With a short description of the supplement, no one must start to intake this one So live on the page and recognize extra about the supplement. Green Dolphin CBD Gummies Price What Is Green Dolphin CBD Gummies? This pain alleviation supplement "Green Dolphin CBD Gummies" is a powerful and herbal medication for people who suffer from chronic problems. It comes with digestible capsules that permit people to triumph over agonies, discomforts, infection, and ache in the physical part. With this one, people keep their minds good and comfortable to get sound sleep at night.  It is processed with CBD oil that eliminates anxiety, depression, and tension. This supplement soothes brain cells and supplies essential nutrients for quicker recovery. It also strengthens the body's immunity to combat against radial damages. This one also increases blood flow and decreases muscle loss & bone joint damage.   Working Procedure of Green Dolphin CBD Gummies? This supplement comes with herbal & powerful gummies sponsored by way of CBD oil. It is processed beneath the supervision of herbal & organic formula this is enriched with therapeutic residences. This one is likewise organized with hemp plant extracts. It continues the frame balanced in the functioning of ECS. That method the complement controls the main frame functioning including muscle aches, sleep patterns, intellectual nicely-being, and ingesting habits. The CBD oil within the complement works effectively healthy recovery of muscle pain and infection. It manages migraine ache and lowers strain. As a result, you may have a valid sleep at night.  Review Of Green Dolphin CBD Gummies For helping you and supplying you with rapid consequences we've got many fitness-boosting dietary supplements inside the marketplace however the exceptional one is Green Dolphin CBD Gummies which definitely gives you a hundred% effects and makes you healthy and fine. This components works to your physical and intellectual fitness at the equal time without harming your fitness like some other product and additionally boosts your immunity electricity which helps you to guess any fitness trouble. You ought to study the further article for getting to know extra approximately this formula. Click Here To Visit - "OFFICIAL WEBSITE" is an powerful method that works on your fitness and enables you triumph over all health issues in a quick time period as this formulation is certainly designed and you may handiest get advantages and no side consequences with its utilization. This components is beneficial in lowering the hassle of insomnia, frame ache, low immunity, and plenty of greater and it is able to be utilized Reference Url --- https://www.outlookindia.com/outlook-spotlight/green-dolphin-cbd-gummies-user-exposed-this-cbd-breaking-news-2022--news-202304 https://www.hometownstation.com/news-articles/green-dolphin-cbd-gummies-reviews-latest-alert-buying-green-cbd-what-you-need-to-know-414559