From Reef Degradation to Revival: How Coral Restoration is Changing Bali’s Seas
Bali, that stunning tropical paradise known for its breathtaking beaches and incredible marine life, is facing a major environmental challenge at the moment: loss of the coral reefs. Instead, novel initiatives such as coral restoration in Bali are putting into practice these solutions to start giving life again to the reefs where marine life thrives for generations to come.
Bali, that stunning tropical paradise known for its breathtaking beaches and incredible marine life, is facing a major environmental challenge at the moment: loss of the coral reefs. Instead, novel initiatives such as coral restoration in Bali are putting into practice these solutions to start giving life again to the reefs where marine life thrives for generations to come.
From Reef Degradation to Revival: How Coral Restoration is Changing Bali’s Seas
Bali, that stunning tropical paradise known for its breathtaking beaches and incredible marine life, is facing a major environmental challenge at the moment: loss of the coral reefs. Instead, novel initiatives such as coral restoration in Bali are putting into practice these solutions to start giving life again to the reefs where marine life thrives for generations to come.
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