A Binance verified account is an account that has undergone Binance verification process; this makes a person eligible to trade in the world highest cryptocurrency exchange. KYC (Know Your Customer) This is the process where you are required to provide identification such as a passport or ID, address proof and in some cases a photo of yourself holding the perform statement. Verification makes sure that it’s you and adds an extra security layer so that people can trust the account.
Contact us to purchase an account & for any help
24 Hours Reply/Contact
Email: sellspva@gmail.com
Telegram: @Sellspva
Skype: Sellspva
WhatsApp: +1 (812) 266-3068
Contact us to purchase an account & for any help
24 Hours Reply/Contact
Email: sellspva@gmail.com
Telegram: @Sellspva
Skype: Sellspva
WhatsApp: +1 (812) 266-3068
A Binance verified account is an account that has undergone Binance verification process; this makes a person eligible to trade in the world highest cryptocurrency exchange. KYC (Know Your Customer) This is the process where you are required to provide identification such as a passport or ID, address proof and in some cases a photo of yourself holding the perform statement. Verification makes sure that it’s you and adds an extra security layer so that people can trust the account.
Contact us to purchase an account & for any help
24 Hours Reply/Contact
Email: sellspva@gmail.com
Telegram: @Sellspva
Skype: Sellspva
WhatsApp: +1 (812) 266-3068
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