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Stages of Pressure Ulcers
1st stage : Discomfort and pain, 2nd stage : Skin loss and skin may be swollen, 3rd stage : Bone infection with skin and tissue loss. Pressure ulcers often form on the skin covering bony areas of the body. Such as the black, tail bone, hips, elbows, heels and ankles. Our aim to prevent infection, improve wounds care and improve patient comfort. Consult a health care professional for proper treatment.
Stages of Pressure Ulcers 1st stage : Discomfort and pain, 2nd stage : Skin loss and skin may be swollen, 3rd stage : Bone infection with skin and tissue loss. Pressure ulcers often form on the skin covering bony areas of the body. Such as the black, tail bone, hips, elbows, heels and ankles. Our aim to prevent infection, improve wounds care and improve patient comfort. Consult a health care professional for proper treatment. https://footwoundinstitute.com/