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The New Trend of ‘Friendship Marriage’
The concept of ‘friendship marriage’ is on the rise, reflecting a shift in how people view relationships and lifelong commitments. In friendship marriage, individuals choose to marry close friends rather than enter into traditional romantic relationships. This program emphasizes deep-rooted partnerships, mutual respect and shared values ​​over romantic love.

The appeal of friendship marriages lies in the stability and understanding that comes from a long-standing friendship. Partners often find that the trust and familiarity they share create a solid foundation for marriage. This trend is particularly appealing to those who have experienced the complexities and pressures of romantic relationships and are seeking a more pragmatic and enduring partnership.

Friendship marriages also align with the evolving societal values that prioritize personal fulfillment and emotional support. By marrying a friend, individuals can focus on building a life together based on cooperation and common goals, often resulting in a harmonious and supportive domestic environment.

In essence, friendship marriage is a modern approach to commitment that redefines traditional notions of marriage. It underscores the importance of emotional compatibility and shared life goals, offering a refreshing alternative to conventional romantic partnerships.
The New Trend of ‘Friendship Marriage’ The concept of ‘friendship marriage’ is on the rise, reflecting a shift in how people view relationships and lifelong commitments. In friendship marriage, individuals choose to marry close friends rather than enter into traditional romantic relationships. This program emphasizes deep-rooted partnerships, mutual respect and shared values ​​over romantic love. The appeal of friendship marriages lies in the stability and understanding that comes from a long-standing friendship. Partners often find that the trust and familiarity they share create a solid foundation for marriage. This trend is particularly appealing to those who have experienced the complexities and pressures of romantic relationships and are seeking a more pragmatic and enduring partnership. Friendship marriages also align with the evolving societal values that prioritize personal fulfillment and emotional support. By marrying a friend, individuals can focus on building a life together based on cooperation and common goals, often resulting in a harmonious and supportive domestic environment. In essence, friendship marriage is a modern approach to commitment that redefines traditional notions of marriage. It underscores the importance of emotional compatibility and shared life goals, offering a refreshing alternative to conventional romantic partnerships. https://beardynerd.com/new-trends/all-you-need-to-know-about-japans-friendship-marriage/.
All You Need To Know About Japan’s ‘Friendship Marriage’
About 124 million of Japan's population, and each one of them stands in support of what is called a 'friendship marriage.' The South China Morning Post (SCMP)