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Jumbotail’s income zooms over 3X in FY22
B2B marketplace and retail platform Jumbotail recorded more than three-fold growth in revenue in FY22 with its gross merchandise value (GMV) going past Rs 1,100 crore. The company’s losses, however, also widened by 2.7X in the same period.

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Jumbotail’s income zooms over 3X in FY22 B2B marketplace and retail platform Jumbotail recorded more than three-fold growth in revenue in FY22 with its gross merchandise value (GMV) going past Rs 1,100 crore. The company’s losses, however, also widened by 2.7X in the same period. #Jumbotail #BusinessStartupNews #Entrackr #startupfundingindia #startupsnews #funding https://entrackr.com/2023/05/jumbotails-income-zooms-over-3x-in-fy22/
Jumbotail’s income zooms over 3X in FY22
Jumbotail’s operating revenue surged 3.3X to Rs 377 crore in FY22 from Rs 123.2 crore in FY21, MCA filing shows.