The conversion of CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) to percentage usually involves the multiplication of CGPA by a certain factor or by following certain laid down formula provided by the educational institution. Some universities and countries have standard procedures and regulations for conversion of GPA, while some do not have standard ways of converting GPA. The importance here lies in converting the qualitative CGPA grading scale into the more recognizable and quantitative percentage scale.
#OnlineMasters #OnlineCourses #OnlineDegree
#OnlineMasters #OnlineCourses #OnlineDegree
The conversion of CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) to percentage usually involves the multiplication of CGPA by a certain factor or by following certain laid down formula provided by the educational institution. Some universities and countries have standard procedures and regulations for conversion of GPA, while some do not have standard ways of converting GPA. The importance here lies in converting the qualitative CGPA grading scale into the more recognizable and quantitative percentage scale.
#OnlineMasters #OnlineCourses #OnlineDegree
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