Dr Samia Khan Best  General Physician In Lahore


Dr. Samia khan is a Best General Physician in Lahore and Acute Medical Specialist. She is a top-rated physician and serving at Chughtai Medical Center DD phase 4 DHA. She has 36 years of Experience in General practice. She is one of the few well experienced female General physicians Currently practicing in Lahore and has Great experience of working in best hospitals abroad. She also worked for a long time in CMH Riyadh. During her stay in Saudi Arabia, she was honored by Saudi Royal Family to work as there Family Doctor. Also was honored by working in VVIP Military hospital in Riyadh. Her field of expertise includes adults and children all types of diseases Respiratory, Gastrointestinal, Heart diseases, kidney, Thyroid, Diabetes. Blood pressure, Infectious. Antenatal postnatal checkup. Contraception, well baby check up to see proper growth of children. She is well known as a doctor whom Allah Kareem bless her with Shifa in her hands. And well known for her kindness and listening patiently until satisfaction of patients that they have explained there full history.
Phone: 0333 4976126
Address: Chughtai Medical Center, 154 CAA, Sector DD DHA Phase 4, Lahore, 54792
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Lives in Chughtai Medical Center, 154 CAA, Sector DD DHA Phase 4, Lahore, 54792
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