molecular weight of polysaccharides
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Information of molecular mass and distribution can help you to understand the composition, properties, and identity of your protein sample. Our molecular weight analysis techniques include Mass Spectrometry (MS), offering accuracy of measurement over a wide molecular weight range, with minimal amount of sample. With our well-established platform, we promise accurate identification and monitoring of low intensity isoforms. Furthermore, any difference between theoretical and measured mass may be identified as potential modifications on the proteins. molecular weight of polysaccharides
Information of molecular mass and distribution can help you to understand the composition, properties, and identity of your protein sample. Our molecular weight analysis techniques include Mass Spectrometry (MS), offering accuracy of measurement over a wide molecular weight range, with minimal amount of sample. With our well-established platform, we promise accurate identification and monitoring of low intensity isoforms. Furthermore, any difference between theoretical and measured mass may be identified as potential modifications on the proteins. molecular weight of polysaccharides
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