Diabetes can affect the way that the body regulates and utilizes blood sugar.

After eating food, your body is able to break down the food to simple sugars, also known as glucose. Cells utilize insulin to absorb glucose from blood and use it to generate energy.

When people suffer from diabetics, their pancreas may not produce sufficient insulin or the body doesn't make use of insulin efficiently. This leads to an increase in glucose in blood.

The weakness and fatigue can occur in the event that cells fail to have enough glucose. Diabetes medicines, like insulin, or metformin aid in allowing the sugar get into cells and block it from accumulating to dangerous levels in the blood.

A possible side effect from how to stop feeling sleepy after eating medication can be low blood sugar or hypoglycemia..

A drop in blood sugar levels can also cause fatigue, particularly for those who experience frequent attacks and do not receive sufficient warnings that the levels of their blood sugar are decreasing. People can be tired even after receiving the treatment of low blood sugar levels.

Find out more about the negative effects of low blood sugar levels on our bodies here.

Other symptoms of diabetes

Other signs that are associated with diabetesTrusted Source may also help a person suffering from fatigue, such as:

  • frequent urination
  • over-drink
  • extreme hunger despite eating
  • mysterious loss of weight
  • blurred vision

Although not all of these symptoms cause feelings of fatigue, a lot of them can be a contributing factor to a general feeling of sick. The constant and unpleasant feelings can cause negative physical and mental consequences that could cause the development of fatigue.

Certain symptoms of diabetes can also affect a person's sleep schedule. For instance, someone suffering from the disease may wake up multiple times each evening to use the bathroom or to get drinks. Patients with type 2 diabetes are at an increased risk greater risk of becoming afflicted with the insomnia disorder.

Additionally, discomfort in hands, limbs and feet could hinder someone who suffers from diabetes to fall asleep and remain asleep.

The complications of diabetes

Diabetes sufferers can develop complications that cause feelings of fatigue.

These issues typically occur as blood sugar levels stay too high for an extended time.

Potential complications could include Trusted Source:

    • kidney problems, including kidney failure
    • often afflicted with infections
    • Blindness
    • Heart disease
  • neuropathies, also known as diabetic neuropathy, also known as diabetic