Private Email: The Solution for Secure and Private Email Communication


In today's world, digital communication has become an essential part of our lives. With the increasing number of cyber threats, protecting our personal information has become more important than ever. Email communication is particularly vulnerable to breaches, which is why it's crucial to use a secure and private email service. Our end-to-end encrypted email service offers the perfect solution for anyone who values privacy and security in their email communication.

Sealed Box Public-key Cryptography

Our email service uses sealed box public-key cryptography, which is the most secure and reliable encryption method for email communication. With this encryption technique, each email message is encrypted with a unique key that only the recipient can unlock. The encryption process is done on the sender's device before the message is sent, ensuring that no one can intercept or read the message during transmission. This means that your emails are completely private and secure, even if they're intercepted by hackers or other third parties.

HIPAA Compliance for Healthcare Professionals

Our email service is also HIPAA compliant, which means that it meets the strict standards for protecting sensitive patient information required by healthcare professionals. This makes it an ideal choice for healthcare providers who need to communicate sensitive information with their patients or other healthcare professionals. Our service ensures that all emails containing sensitive information are encrypted and secure, providing peace of mind for both healthcare professionals and their patients.

Anonymous Email Option

In addition to our secure and private email service, we also offer an anonymous email option for those who want to keep their identity completely private. This option is perfect for whistleblowers, journalists, or anyone who wants to keep their email communication completely anonymous. Our anonymous email option allows you to send and receive emails without revealing your identity, ensuring that your communication remains private and secure.


Email communication is an essential part of our lives, and it's important to use a secure and private email service to protect our personal information. Our end-to-end encrypted email service offers the most secure and private email communication available. With sealed box public-key cryptography, HIPAA compliance, and an anonymous email option, our service is the perfect solution for anyone who values privacy and security in their email communication. Choose our service for the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your emails are completely private and secure.