You are now ready to book your next flight. It is possible to consider which site you should use to find the best deals and offers. While you will most likely check out OTA services, did you know that you can also book a complete relaxation package with American Airlines?

We'll walk you through each step to help you understand American Airlines Vacation Packages. American Airlines Vacations makes it easy for travel planners to book flights via its online booking website. Travel planners can purchase flight tickets and make significant customer bookings on We'll continue to discuss American Airlines vacations Travel Agent.

Why choose American Airlines for Vacation Packages?

To get the best deals and discounts, it would be a good idea to choose American Airlines vacation packages. You can also get all the benefits that come with the boxes if you choose.

Book your trip together to save: We offer the best rates and funds for hotels, cars, and flights. It's possible to create a package for any destination we fly to, and you will save both time and money.

Get extra miles: Every time you book, you'll continue to receive 1,000 AAdvantage grant points.

Book now, pay monthly: Find simple payment options for your dream excursion. Elevate provides affordable, regularly scheduled instalment options so that you can enjoy your trip and still have money left over.

Book using miles: Make your miles go further. You can pay for any package by using a combination of AAdvantage grant points and cash.

How can I get in touch with American Airlines to book vacation packages?

These are the steps to follow in order to contact or search for a vacation package.

  1. You will find a search bar on the American Airlines Vacations main webpage. You can search for vacation packages that include flight, hotel and rental car options.
  2. Click on Search after entering details about the destination and travel dates. Search will display your query items with the essential separating options to one side.
  3. You can see that only one or two expenses are recorded.
  4. The cost per person is the primary cost.
  5. The cost of the next step is paid by everyone in the party, including all expenses and expenses, except for any retreat fees.
  6. If you choose to back your purchase with Uplift, the third cost will be the regular payment. (Please scroll down for more details)
  7. You will find additional information under the details of the inn, such as any retreat fees or other limits.

This is how to contact American Airlines. Visit the website and enter your details in the search bar.

Can American Airlines vacation packages be refunded?

No, Refund. Some packages and components are not refundable. If travel arrangements, dates or inns are changed, in classifications or hotel designs are altered, the option of a refund may not be available. American Airlines vacation packages cannot be refunded.

When do American Airlines Vacations open for business?

Although booking a flight with American Airlines vacations can be done online, AA prefers to speak with a travel agent in order to cancel or change a booking. It can be beneficial to have a professional travel planner working for you, especially in this confusing travel environment.

Telephone: Open every day between 7 a.m. and 10:30 p.m.

An AA Vacations travel advisor can be reached at night or if you have a problem with your excursion. Reaching an American Airlines travel agent with questions regarding your American Airlines Vacations booking is free.