Barriga: For those who completed  WOW WOTLK Classic Gold the process of leveling up their Artifact Weapons, and also unlocked the special appearances and so on gained those transmogs. These transmogs allow players to make their future weapons look similar to a badge of prestige. You can say, "Hey, I was part of Legion and unlocked this skin with a prestige."What was the reasoning behind the decision to remove the stat bonuses from gear during arenas for players-versus-players were created?

Nervig: To lower the process of gaining access to PvP, so that you don't feel as if you're in a bind in the event that you're out of level with all the PvP gear available. We wanted to see more players PvP'ing. In addition, to ensure fairness so that we can adjust and balance classes according to the gear stats which we have assigned them. For example In the event that [Warlock's] Destruction mastery is severely overpowered when playing PvP we'll give them less mastery in their set of PvP stats.

We'll be very aggressive with ensuring there's enough content available and we will not have a content shortage like we saw prior to.The Legion expansion is almost here I'd like to inquire about the long-term future of World of Warcraft . Do you think there's going to be an event that the team can say "We're going to launch another expansion, we're going to wrap everything up in a way, and we're going to put an end cap on this, rather than letting it go to waste like does a lot of MMOs tend to"?

Barriga A: It's a difficult question to answer. There are generations of players that will generally have grown up playing World of Warcraft . You can imagine that how one of them gets to get older and continue to work on the game, and bring an innovative and fresh approach to things. I'm sure there will come a time when we pass the baton, but it's an experience that creates such passion in people that, at least in the near future, I don't see that point of just calling the game quits.

In terms of momentum--and in terms of the energy that we and our players are able to generate for the game, this is the expansion that I've been most thrilled about. This is an upgrade where we've had the opportunity to do almost everything we've ever wanted to do including the new class to all the new features. There were systems that we weren't happy with. We just said, "Our players deserve better." For as long as we keep doing so, we hope that our players will continue to reward us with playing the game.

Update 9/3/2016 : The original version of this story contained an incorrect spelling of the lead game designer Luis Barriga's name. The article has been updated to correct the spelling.

World of Warcraft 5.3 patch full description The update will add four brand new scenarios, including Blood in the Snow Dark Heart of Pandaria, Secrets of Ragefire, and Battle on the high seas. There's there is also a difficulty mode for heroics. Players will also be able deal with loot drops that are not on the cheap WOTLK Gold spec, thanks to an updated feature to make loot specific.

Blizzard also spoke of general bugs, fixes to balanced classes, pet battles and changes in the game's player-versus-player. For more details, go to the World of Warcraft website.

Blizzard recently revealed that World of Warcraft subscriptions had declined to 8.3 million. The company is planning to release more frequent updates for the lengthy-running, massively multiplayer game in order to stop further declines in player numbers in the near future.