Saint-Michel: There's also the zone of WOTLK Classic Gold level 110 that opens up. When you reach the level cap, you're not even far from the finish line. There's Suramar which is now opening up. You still have your artifact that you're levelling. There's a lot of content that can be completed by completing level 110.

That brings us back to our new artifact Weapons. Can you provide us with a bit about what those are and how they work?

Barriga: So , players may already be familiar with legendary quest lines that were previously available where some classes got special quests and an extremely special weapon that is unique to their particular class. For Legion, we did one quest line for every particular class. So, mages have three distinct acquisition lines to each of their specifications. Druids have four. Again, one for each one of their specifications. Very carefully tailored tale of how you acquire the weapon. Specialized powers that come with the weapon. When you increase your ability, the weapon gets in power with you. It's basically the class's version of Excalibur.

From what I understand it appears that these weapons aren't going to carry over into new expansions should one ever be made. Can you comment on the reasoning behind this decision?

Barriga: In a way, it gives us permission to create these weapons as amazing as we would like to make them. If there's something we like about the powers that we really like and feel ought to be the main focus of the class and we can use it to bring that expertise onto the general class. If, right from the beginning we said, "This is something we must carry on," you'd see a much narrower field of design space [and] much more conservative abilities. Some of the talents that are at the bottom of each branch in the tree powerful and they change the way you play, therefore we should treat them as experiments. In a way it's an opportunity for us to test new ideas without the obligation of being tied to this idea from here on for the rest of our lives.

Artifact Weapons are going to disappear following Legion, but the skins will be there.

Like Garrisons For instance, it It was also the first occasion that we decided, "Hey, we really would like to play with this feature however, we're not sure if we're going to stick it for a long time." I think that paid off because everything about them felt extremely integral to Warlords of Draenor However, at the point Warlords was over and we had a feeling thinking, "Okay, Garrisons had their place, but we'd like to leave them behind." If we had said that garrisons are part of the game instead of the expansion, we would have a very cumbersome system to have to buy WOTLK Gold 
upkeep and update the facelift time and again. The new model is one that we like better.