The brain is kind of uninterested in us humans thinking a lot. But to be aware (t.½. You don't understand the cause-and-effect relationship, either! Because it takes energy, which the body can easily distribute to its needs, without the consciousness.

Why is it hard for people to change their Life? Because everything physical in man is against change. You think your body wants to sweat it out at the gym and load your muscles? The psyche wants to cleanse itself of the hard stuff and develop new thought patterns and new reactions? No, of course not.

Why it's hard for people to change their LIFE?

We, humans, are programmed to live unconsciously. TO LIVE GOOD (meaning joyfully, happily, with inner peace, etc.).½.) we are not programmed.

Quality of Life is something each of us must create for ourselves. And he can do it by including his "upper center," which is presumably located in the head - Consciousness. Which is not easy and not everyone can do.

Because physical life is provided by unconscious mechanisms, the body, and the psyche develop according to the algorithm "laid down by nature" beforehand.

Brain disorders, which unfortunately happen to some people, take away the skill of unconscious movement and people have to re-learn how to walk and move their arms, sending brain commands to each separate muscle group, consciously.

The speed of the unconscious process of receiving information by our brain, from the senses, and the reaction to it is enormous! They go by "automatically", bypassing our attention.

You don't track your body's dopamine production the moment you get a mountain of likes on a photo you posted two hours ago? And it is released! And that amount of it makes you check social media every hour, getting "encouragement" over and over again (other people's attention, through their reactions to your posts).

But it takes a lot of time and energy to become aware of how this metabolic process works which takes place in the body "automatically".

It will take you several times to read the texts (at least this one), to think about it, to imagine it, to become aware of it.

It will take 5 times more energy than if you had not thought to do it!

Consciousness is very slow compared to the unconscious. And if the man was controlled by Consciousness - he wouldn't survive.

We simply would NOT HAVE the entire process of "dodging" ourselves from a bicycle racing at us, for example, through Consciousness.

Studies show that in order to "understand" the human brain needs to run information through the appropriate brain centers several.

For example, it passes unconsciously into the brain in one thousandth of a second and is instantly processed, a reaction is immediately given to it and the body immediately acts, at the command of the brain.

To cognize this same information, one has to bring it back to the beginning and pass it through the centers again, which takes a full second!

It's a very long time, on the scale of brain processes. That's a thousand times longer. And it takes a lot more energy!

You see, the picture that emerges is?

It's not like the brain is interested in us humans thinking a lot. And it takes a thousand times longer to become Conscious (to understand the cause-and-effect relations)! Because it takes energy, which the body can easily distribute to its needs, without the Consciousness.

As soon as you Realize that you can live a Better Life, for example, and then you set out to make some changes in your behavior, character, way of thinking and acting - it will mean a collapse of the habitual work of the brain and the whole body!

They will have to "work" much harder, they will have to change the whole biochemistry of the body. to change the pattern of neuronal assemblies, and let me tell you, it is not a piece of cake!

These are new dendrites (offshoots) that neurons would have to grow, to show neuroplasticity.

And the brain of a mature person isn't really predisposed to that anymore.

No, he certainly can!

But it's not.

Not standing at a low start in a nice jersey and not asking for a person:

- Come on, dear, quit smoking and start taking more walks, writing stories, as you once dreamed! And go ahead, learn new skills and start your own business! I'll be glad to help you, I've already outlined new neural networks, beautiful, through which these processes will lead!

The brain doesn't need this... at all.

He is fine as it is.

It's okay for your brain and body to lie on the couch, eat carbs, not to realize your potential, live with an alcoholic, have no money or shelter, be a victim, serve your parents or boss to the detriment of your interests, etc.�.

Moreover, the unconscious is designed to keep you in what you have. In the experience you once had as a child, which now defines your whole life.

Experience has once formed a neural network - it has become the "main network," and it rules.

Life may be changed only through personal, personal Awareness of the cause-and-effect relations! And through a willful, purposeful Work that will affect all processes in the body and psyche, which will change the biochemistry of the body, which will create new networks of neural connections and lead you on a new road of life.

Or rather, you will lead yourself into a new Life. You do realize that it is possible!?