Welcome to the backrooms game, a horrifying video game featuring an endless maze of office spaces generated at random, as well as a range of settings differentiated by the odor of wet carpet with yellow paint covering every surface and the lights kept low.

The Backrooms is a survival horror game in which you will explore diverse environments, passageways, levels, and whatever else you can think of. The game is based on a mythology that has spread widely on the Internet. Each room or level contains a distinct collection of hostile creatures, whether monsters, entities, or both. To successfully navigate the maze and emerge unscathed, you must memorize the characteristics of each level.

In this future game, gamers will be herded into a room for unclear reasons. The entire room is dominated by faded yellowish wallpaper, a carpet with obvious wetness, and fluorescent lighting. The player's goal is to keep moving ahead in order to find the exit in the allocated time and emerge triumphant from the maze. Players must proceed with extreme caution through the "labyrinth beyond reality" because the separate chambers are identical and contain unexplained "objects." Because of the existence of vague noises and unusual laughs, your nerves will be put under additional strain. If "it" finds you, there will be nowhere for you to hide, therefore your only option will be to run as swiftly as possible. Avoid being apprehended!