Although it's not WoTLK Classic Gold explicitly mentioned what references are going to be cut from World of Warcraft Classic it seems likely that the team will be taking out all references to the former director Alex Afrasiabi, who was mentioned within the case. Afrasiabi--who quietly left the company at the end of summer 2020 -- was reported to regularly hit on women at the company, try to kiss them and throw his arms around necks of female employees.

Afrasiabi is an NPC in the game titled Field Marshal Afrasiabi which players have demanded to be removed ever since the lawsuit came to light. The Field Marshal can be found in Stormwind, the Alliance capital , Stormwind and Lord Afrasastrasz also a second NPC named in honor of him, is located within the Wrymwrest Temple in Northrend. The official announcement sent by the World of Warcraft team stated that players will see "several such changes to both Shadowlands in addition to WoW Classic in the coming days."

This announcement is from World of Warcraft's team. World of Warcraft team comes after employees from Activision Blizzard have said they are planning to hold a protest on Wednesday, in protest of the publisher's "abhorrent and insulting" responses to lawsuit.

You can read the official statement by the World of Warcraft team below:

An email buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold from the World of Warcraft team