Although you might be familiar with the big names in golf such as Vijay Singh, Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson, there are plenty of other good players out there. If you want to follow a player's career closely, then pick someone from your own city or even from your local golf club. You might even get to play a round or two with some of these lesser-known players. And if they make it big, you can say you played with them when they started out!

One of the best ways to find out more about your favorite golf players cam smith is to go online. Not only do most of the best players have their own fan sites and information about their play, but there are also huge resources on golf and other sports websites with player bios and current player standings. This will give you all the background information about players as well all the latest news on their successes and failures. You can even get real time scores from tournaments on some sites, allowing you to keep up with the action from the around the world as it happens.