Please make sure that you are using the printer you are expecting. To verify this when using Microsoft® Word, please click on the upper left menu item "File" and then "Print" from the drop down menu. This reveals the printing panel to the right of the drop-down menu. In the printing panel on the upper left is the print button. Immediately below that the hp printers on sale is identified. If the name of this device is not the printer you are expecting to use, there is a triangle pointing down on the right-hand side. Clicking on this triangle reveals a drop-down list of printers to which your computer can send the document for printing. Please make sure you have selected the printer that you expect. There are similar selections another computer programs that permit you to verify and to select the printer you wish to use.

You can print on a different printer as a test. When the document prints on the other printer, your printer has the problem. This helps you identify precisely the problem hardware and software components.