After you select your preference of brand, we encourage you to select an individual model that you feel confident enough to compare with other similar and competing models. We just ask you select a yzen 5 3500x desktop processor because notebook and server based processors sometime feature contrastive technical specifications. We don't recommend comparing a processor at this point, there are other important details we would rather you acknowledge first, to ensure you have some skill to choose a suitable gaming processor.

After these initial steps, now comes the technical info. We will briefly overview these subjects. For further information about each matter, refer to the links at the bottom of the page. Whether you are going to use a Core 2 gaming processor or Athon II X# which aren't the best gaming CPU, your still going to need to understand the differences, especially the fact processors are built with a specific interface, which directly relates to the type of motherboard your can configure. Gaming processors by brand are not all that different, which is nice to know, although manufacturers assemble their products somewhat differently, which results in comparison issues. You don't need to worry to much about this because that is why we asked you to select a brand!