The most prominent addition to your attacking FUT 23 Coins arsenal, however, is the latest power shot. It's exactly what it says on the box. You must press both shoulder buttons when you shoot, and the person with the ball will unleash an explosive shot that looks like it's going to knock someone's head off.

When you're one-on one with the 'keeper you will increase the chance of scoring, however aiming is switched to manual once you're in the middle, so it can be easy to slash them for a throw-in if you make a mistake.

They take longer to complete than standard shots, giving defenses the chance to get a block in while the camera zooms into the background to alert your opponent of what you're committing to, which means they're far away from a certain goal.

Set pieces require a basic grasp of Physics, with the game giving you full control over the exact location where you strike the ball. It's much easier to grasp corners than free-kicks where you need to be more precise to be successful. It is more sensible in comparison to the stick-flicking method that was used for FIFA 22. Penalties have been redesigned too with a brand new timing-based system that puts greater pressure on the player in a way that is perhaps how they should work.

It is the first time that Volta Football and Pro Clubs have been combined into one nice section, and coincidentally both suffer from similar problems. As we've all heard, the worst thing about other people is that they aren't, and nowhere is this more evident more so than Pro Clubs, where drop-in games are filled with wingsmen who overpower the AI with ludicrous calls to pass the ball. It's fun to develop your"creative" goal-killer with a closet full of silly hats, however, when your progress is tied to your game rating, you're incentivised to do cheapest FUT 23 Coins sloppy skill routines that Saint Maximin wouldn't take on.