Finding the reason for your stucco's deteriorating cleanliness is the first step you should take in cleaning it. Mishandling stains has the potential to be ineffectual at best and harmful at worst.

Dirt, rust, stains from animal excrement, and mildew are some typical culprits for staining stucco. While mildew, mould, and other tough stains call for a more forceful cleaning technique, dirt, rust, and animal stains may be eliminated with a gentle cleaning procedure.

The Mild Approach

The following instruments are required for the delicate cleaning technique:

an attached nozzle to a hose

a tin can

A broom with plush bristles (plastic)

mild soap that is eco-friendly

Spraying down the stucco with the nozzle's gentlest setting can easily remove grime. Use the bucket to sprinkle the stucco if you don't have a hose available. Until the dirt is gone, continually splash on the surface and scrub it down. When cleaning the stucco, you should use caution. Contrary to appearances, the stucco is vulnerable enough to be damaged by excessive pressure. The water nozzle should be set to a high setting to drive water into the stucco's pores.

Spray down the stucco system texas  if the stain is too difficult to remove with simply water, and then use the brush and pail to scrub the area with diluted detergent or soap. Dish soap or dissolved dishwashing detergent are also options. Use a colorless font whenever possible to avoid changing the hue of the stucco. Additionally, thoroughly rinse the area to ensure that the soap won't harm the nearby grass, plants, or other natural features. After you've completed cleaning, carefully rinse the stucco with water from your hose and nozzle under pressure.

The Direct Approach


You will need to use stronger cleaning agents if your attempts at gentle washing are unsuccessful or if you are certain that you are cleaning mould or mildew. The equipment required for this technique is listed below:

Each and every component utilized in the delicate procedure. Visit us at

one gallon of hot water

One gallon of bleach

Trisodium phosphate, 1 cup (TSP, found in the paint section of hardware stores)

gloves and safety glasses

Start by combining the water, bleach, and TSP in a pail to thoroughly clean your stucco. While preparing and using this cleaning product, be careful to use gloves and safety eyewear. Being safe is crucial in working with chemicals.

You might want to test the mixture on a discrete area of stucco before cleaning up the discoloured area to be sure it won't harm your particular brand of stucco. This may be accomplished by putting a thin layer of a solution made of a little water, bleach, and TSP on the stucco the day before, washing it off, and letting it set for 24 hours.

Prepare the area after making sure your cleaning solution won't damage the stucco. You might want to cover any nearby plants with plastic. If you can't cover them, damp them down before you start cleaning, and then once you're done, give them a good rise.

To wet down the wall, use the hose and nozzle. Using the brush to apply the cleaning solution, scrub the affected area in circular strokes. Put on your gloves. Scrubbing should be done repeatedly until the stain is removed. Water down the entire area (wall and ground) and repeatedly rinse the area with the hose to ensure that the cleaning solution is as diluted as possible.

To make sure the cleaning chemical has been removed from your skin as well, take a shower.