Convenience When you're a casual player with a short time and are working on the continent, it's sensible to focus on the Rapport NPCs near Lost Ark Gold. Each will offer something, but ultimately you require them all.Adventurer's Tome: Completing all Rapport NPCs that reside in the main storyline continents is required for your Adventurer's Tome in the area. Completing a few of the simpler ones could get you to the 10 percent completion rate too and could result in amazing rewards.


There is also an element of individual choice and needs in this case. It's difficult to argue about the worth in the gifts listed below:Gold: It's the one resource that you will never run out of and the next Rapport NPCs are able to provide plenty of gold to offer: Nia, Hariya, Sapiano the Fox, Albion, Berver, Yom.Giant's Heart Giant's Heart: A collectible that is difficult to find that could bring you some fantastic reward: Beatrice, Sasha, Blue-Eyed Calvasus, Nineveh.

The Adventurer's Tome: A handful of Rapport NPCs will provide you with ingredients for cooking that are needed to complete the Tome of that continent: Siera (Rethramis), Thunder (Yudia), Orelda (Rohendel).

Stat potion: As stated previously, a lot of Rapport NPCs will halt the progress of your character until they reach certain Virtue stat levels. However, many will offer Virtue Stat Potions in exchange for rewards Lost Ark Gold for sale. If you're a bit short of a stat check the Rapport list to determine whether anyone you're speaking to could have an interesting reward for you.