Most Lost Ark Leveling Guides will explain that the best way to get to level 50 is to just concentrate on the main quests. And frankly Lost Ark Gold, they're all correct. There's no better method of getting to level 50. The main queststhat you must complete until you're at level 36. which is, are the ones which are orange.

Another advantage when you do only the main quests to increase your level is that while your character is at level 50. you're nearing the end of the game and unlocking thrilling new parts of the map. The great thing about additional quests that are available in Lost Ark is that they can be revisited later on in the game. They can be very rewarding in terms of reward points and the ability to complete the region however, they aren't necessary for leveling up as fast as possible.Every every now and then certain red quests be available as well. You can do those If you'd like.

Discovering About Pets

There is one side quest that you shouldn't miss to do as it can greatly benefit you. It is that will help you understand pets and even get your own. It's called Learning About Pets is going to be the purple Adventure Quest. Purple Adventure Quests typically explain the mechanics of the game or give you access to new features. This Learning About Pets can be found quite early on in the initial town. It will guide you through the fundamentals of how pets function, and at the end, you will be awarded a pet rabbit. But why are pets important?

Well, when you have pets out it will turn to auto-looting. If you don't have a pet in your inventory, you will have to manually take everything lost in the world. With the pet out all items are placed in your inventory automatically. This can be extremely useful to speedily traverse areas and securing any valuable loot.


Another thing that you will meet while making your journey to the end of the quest is Dungeons. They're great for loot and experience, so you can tackle them. However, there are some tips for getting through your dungeons, and getting maximum enjoyment out of them. The first tip is to play them on normal mode Cheapest Lost Ark Gold. If you notice, on the more difficult mode, you will get more loot and more experience, however, it's not worth the amount of time it takes to finish the dungeon.