Hydroponics is the art of gardening without soil. Hydroponics is a Latin word meaning “working water.” In the absence of soil, water goes to work providing nutrients, hydration, and oxygen to plant life. From watermelons to jalapeños to orchids, plants flourish under the careful regimen of hydroponics. Using minimal space, 90% less water than traditional agriculture, and ingenious design, hydroponic gardens grow beautiful fruits and flowers in half the time. 

Though the technology sounds cutting-edge, the history of hydroponics dates back to the famed Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Euphrates River was diverted into channels that cascaded down the lavish garden walls. In the 13th century, Marco Polo wrote of witnessing floating gardens in China. However, hydroponics is far from merely an innovation of the ancient ages. In the 1990s, NASA grew aeroponic bean seedlings in zero gravity aboard a space station, opening up the possibility of sustainable agriculture in space. Hydroponics continues to be a timeless and dynamic method of water conservation and crop production.

The Benefits of Growing Vegetables Hydroponically at Home


When you go to the grocery store, do you feel like you are forced to buy what they have? Of course, you could go to a farmers' market and shop around at some of the specialty shops. But let's be realistic, who has the time to do that? Especially if you have a family and a job, there just aren't enough hours in the day to be as conscientious as we feel we should be.


We all want to provide healthy good quality food for ourselves and our family. Every day there seems to be a new article either online or on the news about GMO foods or toxins in the water from farms. By growing it yourself, you know what you're eating, and you know what has been used to nourish that plant you're bringing to your table.


If you're a traditional gardener, you may balk at the thought of growing plants in what some say is an artificial environment. I felt the same until I did some research.


It turns out hydroponically grown vegetables have an equal amount of vitamins as those grown in the ground. Of course, this is dependent on the quality of the nutrients you are putting in their growing water. However, the same can be said for soils. If you grow a plant in poor soil, it will be lacking in flavour—if it grows at all. The nutrition you receive from it will also be lessened. (Organically grown vegetables can also vary in vitamin content as well.). Now we have something special and organic for you , use Plantic Organic Hydroponic Plant Food Liquid Fertilizer For Water & Soilless Plants. 


Here's a quick list of some of the benefits of growing plants hydroponically:


  • You know where your food came from.
  • You can avoid using any pesticides.
  • Hydroponic plants generally grow faster than those grown in soil.
  • The yields are often greater than those grown in soil.
  • You don't need a garden space—or much space at all—to grow plants.
  • Hydroponic plants generally attract fewer pests and diseases.
  • There are no weeds to pull.
  • Hydroponic gardening saves water.