Fat Tire Electric Bikes Help You Avoid Paying Higher Gas Prices

As of this writing, gas prices in the US have increased to an average of over $4.17 per gallon (mid-grade), and many drivers are looking at electric vehicles as a way to save gas and money. You might be doing the same.To get more news about ebike accessories, you can visit magicyclebike.com official website.

Yet purchasing an electric vehicle can take months, due to a lack of inventory and supply chain issues throughout the automobile industry; most drivers are not prepared to buy a new vehicle just as gas prices are rising.
Fat tire electric bikes are the electric vehicle people are buying now to save on gasoline expenses for commuting, running errands and pleasure trips like going on a date.“I can go for a couple of days without even driving my car. I got this little tote basket in front. I can go to the grocery store, and I save money when gas is five, six dollars a gallon,” says Dan Ray of Owensboro, KY.To get more news about rad rover 5, you can visit magicyclebike.com official website.

The majority (59%) of driving trips are less than six miles. Between traffic and finding a parking spot, these trips can take longer in a car than on an electric bike.To get more news about waterproof bag for bike, you can visit magicyclebike.com official website.

Most electric bikes will go up to 25 miles per hour. You can take shortcuts on trails, bike paths and through parks. See how this Car vs Ebike comparison of a rider saving 10 minutes commuting to his office.The high pressure (50+ pounds per square inch) required for 'skinny' tires found on many electric bikes makes riding over bumps and cracks a rougher ride.

Fat tire electric bikes use a lower air-pressure (anywhere between 5-25 psi), so the air in the tires absorbs most of the vibrations of riding on the road and the shock of riding over bumps. Think of built-in air shocks!

Fat tires have more friction, reducing your emergency braking distance. This makes riding your fat tire electric bike safer when in traffic or other busy areas.