Metatarsal-phalangeal Joint Misalignment  Steel cap bearing - This ball of foot issue may be caused by arthritis or other conditions causing deformity and can result in hammertoes. Metatarsal-phalangeal joint misalignment can cause fat tissue that normally cushions the joints is pushed forward and under the toes, allowing more pressure to be placed on the metatarsal heads..

With ball of foot pain, having one issue often leads to the development of another. Due to pain, your walking cycle is often altered as well, which can lead to further symptoms in the feet or higher up at the knees, hips or back.

If you have ball of foot pain don't hesitate to see your doctor as  Rubber cap bearing can make normal activities very uncomfortable. Also remember, as we get older, the fat pads in our feet tend to thin out, especially in the ball of foot area. So start looking after your feet now. The most effective treatment is foot orthotic insoles. They come in over the counter and custom varieties that require an assessment by a qualified professional. If you are looking for an over the counter arch support to alleviate your pain, make sure you get something specifically geared to help ball of foot pain.


Guard Alaska® Bearspray is an ultra-hot pepper spray proven so effective at repelling bears, it is the only one registered with the EPA as a repellent for all species of bear!

For more information on bear safety and bear sprays:

U. S. Fish and Wildlife "Bear Spray vs. Bullets"

Interagency Grizzle Bear committee "IBC - Bear Spray Recommendations"

As a golfer, as much as it matters the type and speed of swings you bring to bear on hitting your ball from off the ground, the type and weight of ball you use matter as it affects your game. If you are someone that has a very fast swing with a better swing method than most others, then the best bet for you is to use soft golf balls. This will make your ball to go much faster in the air as it gains height to get to its destination. But if you are someone who is just learning to achieve distance and length with your ball, then you might be better off practicing with the hard golf balls. This will give you the desired strength, stance and speed as a learner as you progress and improve on your game. But when you have achieved some levels of professionalism with very good ball distance and speed with destination accuracy, then you might consider shifting to using a soft golf ball.

A ball's type affects your Miniature bearing and the sooner you knew this the better so that you can work on your swings. Good golfers like Tiger Woods usually lean towards the soft golf balls because it gives them speed and distance, just as complemented by their professional swings. When you have become used to training and using the soft balls under a very good swing, you must then try this on different golf courses and in different weathers. When you are able to gain proficiency under these circumstances with a soft ball and with better swings, then you are on your way to becoming a pro.