How to clean carpet without washing
Carpets may be soiled with different types of stains, whether they are shoes, mud stains, coffee, or drink, and these stains can be eliminated without washing the carpet, by following one of the following methods:

Carpet cleaning with dishwashing liquid
Stains that affect carpets can be eliminated using water and dishwashing liquid, by following the following steps: Use two empty spray cans, fill the first with a cup of warm water with a quarter of a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid, and fill the second with cold water only.

The cleaning solution is sprayed on a liquid-absorbent cloth, then the cloth is placed on the stain in the carpet, because spraying the solution directly on the carpet helps to wet it greatly. The stain begins to come out to become on the cloth, and this process must continued until the stain is completely absorbed.

Spray another cloth with cold water, and is used to get rid of the remnants of the cleaning solution, then use the same method, but with a dry cloth, to dry the area of ​​the water. A piece of paper towel is placed on the spot, and then a heavy-duty tool is placed on it, in order to absorb the remaining liquid in the carpet.

Carpet cleaning with soda
Carpet stains can be disposed of using soda, by following the following steps:

So that mold does not form or the carpet has an unpleasant smell. Soda is simply placed on the spot if the stain is a drink or juice stain, and then rubbed using a dry piece of clothing until the entire stain is removed.

Carpet cleaning with milk and cornstarch
Ink stains that affect carpets can be eliminated by using milk and cornstarch, by following these steps: Put a small amount of milk with cornstarch in a small bowl, then mix the ingredients until they become a paste.

Put the paste on the spot in the carpet. Use an old toothbrush to rub the putty on the carpet until it comes out completely. The paste helps to remove the ink from the carpet and remove it completely.

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Carpet cleaning with household cleaning mix
Carpet stains can be cleaned using a mixture of ingredients found in the home, away from chemicals, by following the following steps: A home carpet cleaning mixture consists of a quarter cup of vinegar.

Three-quarters of a cup of hydrogen peroxide, two tablespoons of dishwashing liquid, two tablespoons of fabric softener, five drops of aromatherapy oil, and 4.54 liters of water. The ingredients are mixed together. This mixture is used in a special carpet cleaning machine instead of using expensive chemicals.

Carpet cleaning with an ironing machine
Stains can be eliminated by using a clothes ironing machine, by following these steps: First, the carpet should be cleaned using a vacuum cleaner. A solution is made of one part vinegar with three parts water.

Use a towel dipped in the solution, then place it on the stain. Use the ironing machine on the towel dampened with the solution in order to get rid of the stain. As you move the ironing machine, the stain begins to come out and become on the towel. You should stop ironing once the stain is completely out.

Carpet cleaning with industrial carpet cleaners
Industrial carpet cleaners are a good solution to cleaning carpets, and here are a number of examples of cleaners that are used by dipping a clean cloth in the solution, and using them to rub the stains on the carpets while refraining from pouring any of these solutions directly on the carpets:

Detergent solution: Mix ¼ teaspoon of laundry detergent with a cup of water. Vinegar: Mix one cup of white vinegar with two cups of water. Solvent solution: Use oil and fat solvents on stains, or nail polish remover that does not contain acetone.