Being able to see your home at its best is among the most pleasing things to enjoy after work. Research has proven that a clean and tidy environment boosts productivity Kingdom valley Islamabad. Although many of us would prefer hiring a professional home staging service, some prefer to decorate their own homes on their own according to their personal style, particularly those with an eye for colors and ornaments. We all get better at it through continuous improvement to our houses.


A lot of us don't have an artistic gene However, there are some methods we can go through to mix and match styles and colors. These rules are easy to follow and allow you to greet your friends and family members with joy as well as comfort and pride.


1. If we follow the rule of thirds in photography and home staging, we are also able to apply the principle of odd numbers in home staging , which creates visual harmony for visitors. Things that are set up in a consistent manner with different dimensions, shapes and textures can also aid. It may sound odd, but the idea is to arrange objects with a lot of similarities between their appearance, yet at the same time, have a distinct distinction. The contrast that it produces draws immediate attention from the eyes of a viewer. It will surely entice your guests in a unique and unique manner.


2. Find something that grabs your attention from the moment you enter your house, and the surrounding area. This can be the basis for your designing your home. If you aren't able to find the main focal point for your house, you could create one. It is possible to set up a wall apart from the others by painting it in a different hue and then arranging it according to. It is also possible to use big pieces of ornamentation like furniture, paintings or mirrors to add a touch of elegance to the look of your home.


3. There are some basic measurements for furniture and curtains to be aware of when you design your rooms. It is possible to conduct a more thorough study on this, but this is a quick reminder to help you:


a. Apply the rule of thumb when finding the space between your favourite couch and your television. Divide the diagonal that your television is by. This will not only provide you with comfort, but it can also give you an attractive arrangement as well.


b. Be aware of an 15'' up to an 18'' space between sofas and coffee tables.


C. Curtains that hang, the standard 1'' - 3 inches of overlap on either end of the windows is a good one to adhere to. The standard height of curtains should be about 4 inches. If you wish your curtains to appear higher, you can extend them beyond 4 inches, but do not go over 8 inches. If you'd like it to appear wider, you can extend it to 12 inches on each side.


d. If you wish to display artwork in your home, make sure it is at eye level , somewhere in between the 56'' and 60'' off the floor. If you plan to hang it on your sofa, ensure that it's not more than 2/3 of the width of your sofa.