According to the latest news, Lost Ark will be updated over the next few months, adding two new advanced classes to the game. The first is the glaivier, a martial artist who fights with polearms, coming in April. Glaivier alternates between a blast stance with a spear and a focused stance with a longer blade, and appears to be able to summon whirlwinds and teleportation. By the way,  MMOWTS is selling cheap Lost Ark Gold, welcome to visit!

In May, a fighter will join the destroyer with a surprisingly large hammer capable of slamming into the ground, firing rock spikes that pierce enemies. Plus, his hammer shoots lightning. The April update also added a new continent to explore called South Vern, a barren land before settlers turned it green using borrowed technology.

Players need item level 1340 to travel to South Fern. More in-game events and skins are also coming soon, as well as another way to level up new characters to high levels: the Feiton powerpass that offers item level 960 gear to level up the player's new Glaivier or any other character the player wants.

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May should bring a slew of quality-of-life updates and a weekly event called Trial Guardian Raids, which appears to be three regular Guardian Raids, where players' item levels adjust based on who the player is fighting against. Another raid is coming up against the Guardian named Deskaluda, which looks like an armored Doom Chicken, and the first Legion raid.

These team events are the true endgame of the Korean version of Lost Ark, with increasingly wild dungeons setting up checkpoints between stages, gradually forming a bizarre sight. Players will need to be at least level 1415 to access the Legion raid, Valtan, in May. If players want to see how crazy they can get, check out the Brelshaza Legion Raid in the Korean version.

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A battle against the demon lord who rules the dream, it begins with a hallucinatory journey through a labyrinth of twisting paths and ends with a battle on some kind of cube in space.  Lost Ark Gold is a must if players want to excel in combat. MMOWTS helps players quickly build an edge in the game by buying Lost Ark Gold with fast delivery, cheapest prices and 24/7 live chat service.