Digg is probably another must-have for your button row. Digg is the most visited and most used social bookmarking site out there. If you appear on the front page of the site, you can get literally millions of views, but you don't have to go to the front page to make money.

What you want to do is get enough people to add an upvote to your site for it to show up in your niche on Digg. To do this, you'll need something other than what Sociable provides (although you should use those too). A "Digg It" button allows people to quickly add a voice to your site, a voice that can help you on Digg. classification.

Keep in mind that while Digg is a general social news and bookmarking site, many of its (very active) users are focused on all things tech. So while you may not want to put a vote button on every post in some niches, if you're dealing with technology in any form, you definitely want one.

There are plenty of other social networking/news/bookmarking sites out there. Deciding which ones are best for your particular niche is simply a matter of taking the time to go to each site, see what it looks like, and check out site reviews across the web.

Some sites, like Technorati, also have image and video searches. This is one of the reasons why you want to name all your image files with your keywords. This is also a reason to pay attention to alt text, the text that appears while an image is loading over a slow or delayed connection. Both can help you show up in an image search, when someone searches for your keywords on these media sites, as well as on Google.

Be sure to add all of your images to Flickr, as this is the largest social media image sharing site on the web. Don't forget to link your images to the posts they originally appeared in. It doesn't hurt to have your images on another image sharing site as well, but you should at least use Flickr.

People don't always see YouTube as a social networking website, but that's exactly what it is! YouTube is a great way to get social media traffic if you do a few things, like tag your videos with the right keywords and comment on other people's videos.

Follow the same steps for Google Video, Technorati and any other video search social bookmarking website. This not only drives social media traffic to those websites, but also increases your chances of ranking high on Google and any other search engines that use blended or universal search.

Keeping up with the news in your niche is also helpful in gaining social media traffic. The Internet is a fast-paced world and people are constantly wanting to know the latest in a particular field. You can use Google Alerts to know when your keywords are mentioned in news, blogs, or other sources. Taking advantage of this opportunity to post as soon as the news breaks can give you an edge over everyone else on your favorite social media websites, and get you more traffic!