You have become enthralled with the wonder of Multicolour betta fish  and have made the trip to the local pet store and made your purchase. Your beautiful Multicolour betta fish  comes home in a great little plastic cup. Now what would you do with him?


In the initial place, that nice little plastic cup isn't the perfect home for him!

A Multicolour betta fish  needs room to roam around. He really needs to space so he doesn't rub his fins contrary to the walls of the tanks and the plants or decorations that you may devote the tank. The perfect size tank for a betta is 6-10 gallons. This could seem large but the larger tank has a number of advantages.Please Hit on read here to get more about Betta Fish.



One factor to consider is temperature variations. An inferior tank may have more fluctuations in temperature and it is crucial that the Multicolour betta fish  have a stable temperature.


There's also the problem of experiencing the appropriate balance of minerals. A small tank may have a more rapid depletion of those minerals. These provide nitrifying bacteria which are needed for healthy bettas.