If you've been enchanted by the beauty and engaging personality of Giant betta fish  and you think you would like to own one, here are a few basic Giant betta fish  facts that may interest you. Some of these tidbits of information might actually be helpful while others are just interesting and simply add to your general knowledge about Giant betta fish. Such basic facts as origin and natural habitat are essential if you really wish to own and take care of bettas.

The Betta splendens, or the Siamese fighting fish, is a native of the slow moving streams and ponds of Asia. First seen in Cambodia, which was known before as Siam, hence the name Siamese fighting fish, it can also be found in Vietnam, Thailand, and China. Bettas are known to be very aggressive towards other bettas and will fight until their opponent backs down or gets seriously injured just to defend their territory. This behavior has been exploited for entertainment purposes, but these days the aggressive traits of Giant betta fish  are often bread out by the breeders.Please Hit on click here to get more about Betta Fish.


Without a doubt, the beautiful colors and flowing fins make the betta a very attractive pet fish. Another reason for their appeal is that they tend to respond to their owners much more than other fish. Their eyesight is phenomenal and they will usually approach the water surface when they see you coming. Male bettas have longer fins while females' fins are shorter. Male bettas are also larger and much more colorful.

The aggressive nature of the betta is the reason why it is difficult to keep them in a single tank without them exhibiting aggression towards each other. Though they attack other bettas, they are surprisingly tolerant of other types of fish and are oftentimes bullied by other aggressive fish. Maybe it's because they do not treat other types of fish as competitors for females.