The following points should be paid attention to during the use of aluminum alloy die casting mold:

The use of mold cooling system, when the mold cooling water is used correctly, not only prolongs the service life of the mold, but also improves the production efficiency. In actual production, we often ignore its importance, and the operators also try to save trouble. If it is too troublesome to connect, they don't connect the cooling water pipe. Some companies even don't want cooling water in order to save cost when customizing molds, resulting in very serious consequences. Mold materials are generally made of special mold steel through various treatments. No matter how good the mold steel is, it also has the limits of their use, such as temperature. You also want to know the influence of a solid melting furnace on the die casting of aluminum alloys. When the mold is in use, if the mold temperature is too high, it is easy to make turtle cracks appear on the surface of the mold core early. In some molds, turtle cracks appear in a large area even before more than 2000 mold times. Even in the production of the mold, because the mold temperature is too high, the mold core has changed color, and even reached more than 400 degrees after measurement. When such temperature meets the state of release agent cooling, turtle cracks are easy to appear, and the produced products are also easy to deform, strain and stick to the mold. In the case of using mold cooling water, the use of release agent can be greatly reduced, so that the operator will not use release agent to reduce the temperature of the mold. Its advantage is to effectively prolong the service life of the die, save the die-casting cycle, improve the product quality, reduce the occurrence of die sticking, strain and aluminum sticking, and reduce the use of release agent. It can also reduce the loss of ejector rod and core caused by mold temperature overheating.


If the aluminum alloy die-casting die is equipped with neutron control, it is absolutely forbidden to have a joint on the signal line between the die-casting machine and the die. The reason is very clear. In daily production, it is difficult to avoid water on the signal line, or the place where the joint is wrapped is easy to be broken, resulting in a short circuit with the machine tool. If the signal is wrong, the alarm will be given and the automatic shutdown will delay the time, Seriously, the signal is disordered and the die is broken. If unnecessary losses are caused, the travel switch shall be waterproof.


The aluminum alloy die-casting mold must be preheated in the process of production to prevent turtle cracks caused by hot metal liquid in the cold mold. The more complex mold can be preheated by blowtorch and liquefied gas, the mold temperature machine with good conditions, and the simpler mold can be preheated by slow injection.