The basic idea remains the same as previous years: start with a group of starters, build with luck and patience the best players of NBA 2K22 MT Buy all time and continuously play in predefined challenges offline modes and all kinds of variety in online gaming. Each little step is rewarded, translating our achievements into money and encouraging us take on another game with delicious rewards.

When it comes to the latest features, the most attractive one is the MyTEAM Draft The feature is in essence similar to FIFA's FUT Draft as well as captivating: they're qualifiers with amazing prizes. Each time we open an entirely new Draft we will have seven exceptional packs of cards and from the contents of them we can choose the 13 that we like or most interest us to create the ultimate team.

In the end, we have a very powerful new multiplayer component which, in turn, allows us to continue collecting and participating in the remainder of MyTEAM content. Sometimes, it's out of sheer ambition, sometimes due to an intentionally promoted FOMO disorder, and most all the time, out of sheer enjoyment and competition.

Most definitely, MyTEAM is by far the most beneficial option of the new direction which the NBA 2K saga has taken to a comprehensive system of seasons and events. Especially when options have been added to support more specific elements such as collection or competition between players. 

The way he is able to make an effective use of the league's own license and its star-system has continued to be an absolute delight for the fans, among the most impressive claims of this year's edition.