Furthermore, Lineage 2M Diamonds is capable of handling even collisions' physics - characters colliding with one another, and also with creatures and other landscape elements. This is a huge boost to realistic feel, and it's the first time that collision handling is used in an 3D MMORPG for smartphones.

While we think of 2M as an update from Lineage 2M, the new version is not just going to improve the game that has been tried by time, but also provide an expansion. The players are assured of new areas and new friends, meaning that those who explore and discover are sure to not get bored. 

To ensure that they're not lost, key points from the beginning will be marked with a special scroll that teleports you will enable players to immediately move into any one of these. This is particularly important when bosses from the world appear. in addition the built-in timer will aid in keeping track of the bosses.

Within the expansive and smooth world of Aden the races that are familiar to old-timers are waiting for us. In the beginning, there will be five that include gnomes, people, dark and light elves , and orcs. As time passes, naturally there will be more and more new people will be introduced to the world. In the future, we could see the appearance of totally unfamiliar races.

However, with the new class system, things are significantly more complex. It's at first glance familiar that we pick our first weapon, and then it determines the first class that is different based on the race. For instance, dwarves are not able to take a bow, and orcs aren't affected by daggers or orbs. A dwarf or person who holds the sword into his hands is transformed into a knight. an orc can turn out to buy Lineage 2M Diamonds be a barbarian. In the beginning we'll have the option of choosing from six kinds of weapons.