While prayer won't work at 95%, it can significantly weaken his attack. Vanstrom is likely to RuneScape Gold drop Drakan's Key after a brief battle. Visit Meiyerditch close to the port, and then head to Castle Drakan. There are two Drakan Guards with a level 125 in the outside. They will be teleported to Burgh De Rott, and you will talk to Veliaf.

Is it OK, (player's name)? Yes... Yeah... Drakan's guards caught my interest! You can hide yourself by wearing this armor. Then, you can put on the Veliaf armor. Wear 65 defense and attack and wear all-round armor. Return to Meiyerditch and the Guards. HALT! HALT!

It's the fellow Drakan Guard... you know... (Player name)! You're wearing armor, so let's go. It worked! Take care when you go to Drakan's the throne region. Stop Knight What's the reason you're here? The guards have sent me.

Close the door, and remove your armor. Then, put on your normal armor and take out the two Drakan Guards at Level 125. They'll drop normal bones as well as gold (100-500). Then two Knights of Level 150 will appear. You can stop them completely by switching off the protection from Melee. They'll then drop normal bones, and about the same amount of gold once they've been killed.

Drakan: Be ready, fool! Drakan will take flight toward you, and then rise. Drakan will be level 205 and is easy to kill with Piety and Protect from Melee. Drakan will drop his Shard when he is killed. Drakan's Shard is his prized item to 2007 RS Items prove you've defeated Drakan and is Drakan's Shard. Are you fine? It's better than being okay. Check these out! It is...his fragment... impossible! This is the proof I have that I killed him! Incredible... The Myreque are in your debt!