It would be worth it OSRS GP to take out the giant mole. What is the best level to a defender of the giant mole? Are there safe spots? Are the slayer area (Slayer Tower in Canifis as well as Dungeoun from Relekka Multicombat?) multicombat? Are there safespots in the area? I'm at level 72. Stats:Attack 65 Strength:59 defence:52 Where should I train? I like places that offer fair money. What do the eggs of the red spider worth?

You can buy an entire limp for anywhere between 700 and 1k. Requesting seeds from those who steal is a good way to find them. They'll drop seeds into Ardougne and Draynor, and you just have to go over and grab them. It's a good way to make some extra money if you go through a lot of patches.

Do not attempt to mole until your 100+. If you're in a group of people who have tried it numerous times, they'll say they can do this on their own. There are several safespots within the slayer's building. I frequent the area to get bloodveld. A chair is right next to the window. This is a great spot for halberd range mage.

The fastest way to get experience is when you have completed a few quests. You can also train to become a Slayer. Each egg cost 700-800.

To determine the amount of Ess, multiply the number runs (66), by the number to give back (20). That is 1650, which is the number required to be noted ess. Calculation #3 makes no sense. The calculation is 6600 (total Airs) multiplied by 15 or 10, which is the price at which you sell airs, to get 99000 gp (or 66000 gp). You can make it even with only 1000 gp on your initial 100000 Gp.

Okay, now we're in the OSRS gold stage that we must get past guards. The first time, the sergeants started attacking a guard. Then, another guard showed up and began attacking. Do the guards need to be killed, or are they in the area to keep them busy.