My clan is not one of those clans who eagerly pushes to OSRS Items become tier 7, despite our superficial enjoyment of the xp. Sal's Realm is the official clan. Clan citadels are what you love Why? Are you a fan? Is it possible to enjoy them? I'm hoping for a lively discussion on the Clan Citadel update, which was released over one year time ago. It was updated to the most current Clan avatars update.

Jagex is progressively removing less content to their games. This is not an entirely new phenomenon, but it's becoming more and more frequent. This is known as timed content. It's content you are able to only use for a certain period of time before moving to the next. 

However, it typically gives you greater rewards. Weekly training activities, events like the circus, and other random events like the evil tree give you more reward points. Even if you have a handful of games with exp, like Troll Invasion, you can only do one every month.

The trend today is not to add a level to a skill, like the living rocks caverns used to mine (for example) instead, it is to include an item with different levels of skill for varying xp like fish Flingers. 

This can reduce bot impact by allowing you to not grind it. If you are able to plan your time effectively, you will get more xp for Buy RuneScape Gold every time you train the skill. To maximize your xp gain, you feel obliged to complete as many as possible.