Aerial Tutorial on How to Fly in Rocket League
Throughout this article, we will be going over the fundamentals of completing an aerial shot. We'll go over the mechanics step by step, and hopefully by the end, you'll have a solid understanding of how aerials work.
The title of this page reads "Prolific."GamerRdy has hired me to be a professional coach. Over the course of a year, I've accumulated approximately 4,000 hours of Rocket League experience and have been coaching players.
If you want to learn more about aerials and even master advanced aerial techniques, take a look at Cbell's recent course on Mastering Aerial Techniques.
The Fundamentals of the Language
It is possible to fly around the field by jumping into the air, tilting your car back, and using your boost.
In Rocket League, aerials are a critical skill to master because they are required at the higher levels of play. If you can learn to aerial consistently and correctly at the lower levels of Rocket League, you may find yourself with an advantage over your opponents.
Single-Jump Aerial and Double-Jump Aerial are the two types of aerials that will be discussed in this section.
Begin with a single-jump aerial, such as the following:
Singular-Jump Aerials are a type of aerial maneuver.
A single-jump aerial is performed as follows:
To begin, select Free Play from the drop-down list.
Once you've entered Free Play, go into your settings and make sure "Unlimited Boost" is enabled there.
You must press your jump button in order to perform a single aerial.
Draw your left stick down or back once you have gained altitude. In order to start leaning your car back, you should do the following:
If you find yourself with the nose of your car pointed upwards, release the left stick.
Start boosting your energy levels right away! In order to reach the ceiling, your car must be propelled upwards.
You should keep in mind that, when your car is in this position, it is flying in relation to the axis of the rear thrusters. As a result, while in the air, you can lean your car forward to accelerate and lean your car backwards to slow down.
Single-jump aerialling can be practiced by positioning yourself in the goal and flying from one goal to the next.
In the air, try to slow yourself down, then accelerate yourself back up. The practice of changing your speed in the air will help you become more comfortable.
The car will also move in that direction if you move the joystick to the left or right. Keep your bearings for the time being. As well as getting used to performing a standard aerial.
Controlling your car in the air will take a lot of hours and practice, so don't be discouraged if you find it extremely difficult at first; everyone finds it challenging at first.
Aerials with two jumps
Having mastered the single-jump aerial, it is time to progress to the more difficult double-jump aerial.
A double-jump aerial differs from a single-jump aerial in that after you jump off the ground and tilt your car back, you want to jump off the ground again before boosting with a double jump aerial.
This'second jump' will release the force of gravity on your car, allowing it to seamlessly fly through the air, assuming that you have the boost available.
Step one is to jump into the air. Step two is to land safely.
Make a right turn and tilt your vehicle back.
Second jump: Let go of the left joystick and launch yourself into the air once more.
Boost your performance. If you compare this to a single jump aerial, you will notice that the latter will allow you to climb in elevation much more quickly.
Be mindful of the fact that, once you've jumped off the ground for the first time, you'll only have one and a half seconds to make use of your second jump.
When you enter the information, it is processed fairly quickly. This is likely due to the fact that you aren't letting go of your joystick quickly enough before you jump the second time.
Concepts That Are a Little More Advanced
Let's talk about how to maintain control while in the air now that you understand how to get off the ground.
In aerials, learning how to feather your boost is one of the most important skills to have. When you are in the air, feathering your boost means that you tap your boost button rather than pressing it. While doing so, you'll maintain your elevation while also preserving the amount of boost that you're currently using. Feathering your boost at the same time will give you greater control over your vehicle while flying.
This is best practiced by jumping into the air and attempting to hover in one spot while feathering your boost. The following should become much more straightforward after a few minutes of practice.
To make it even more difficult, hover in one spot for a few seconds, then change your elevation in either direction and hover in that spot for a few seconds. This will challenge you even further. The ability to catch yourself in mid-air should be reinforced by this experience.
Tips for Putting Your Theory into Practice
Assuming you have a fundamental understanding of aerials, how do you put these concepts together?
A single- or double-jump aerial will be used to gain height in the air in the vast majority of cases. Once you have gained the necessary height for the desired aerial, you can begin to feather your boost until you have successfully hit the ball with your missile.
In order to make aerials even easier for yourself, try to point the nose of your car in the direction of the ball before you leave the grounds. The amount of micro-adjustments that you will need to make in mid-air will be reduced as a result of this, while also allowing you to get to the ball faster.
My favorite way to practice aerials is to fly from goal to goal, this time aiming for one of the white lights above the crossbar of the goal before turning around and aiming for the light directly opposite the light I just flew to the previous time. Aiming for the lights provides you with a target that forces you to make small adjustments throughout the flight.
Flight training with a target is far more effective than simply flying around the field. Why? Because it forces you to set a goal for yourself.
The aerial training pack provided by Psyonix is another excellent resource for practicing this:
For someone who is learning aerials for the first time, these are extremely beneficial. Aerial training is available at three different levels, allowing you to progress from beginner to advanced as your skills improve.
There are a variety of training packs and workshop maps available to assist you once you've mastered those skills on an ongoing basis. However, begin at the very beginning. Please be aware that I understand you may wish to freestyle or air dribble. Those things, however, can only be accomplished after you have learned the fundamentals of their respective fields.
While aerialing in Rocket League can be extremely rewarding, there's a lot more to it than that, from mastering important mechanics like the fast aerial to learning to fly off the walls with precision and control. For those who want to take it a step further, Cbell's course is a good place to start!