Slayer places a.on on a player who can cause a percentage of damage over eight seconds . This will end their life if they don't heal through the dragonhawk's Breath avoid this from the raid. The general order of WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold priority is as follows. You should avoid cheeping any majors and leaving them until the last moment, otherwise, you should prioritize them first. After that, you can go to you can go to the Dawn Priest Kabbalist Vindicator Slayer at dusk followed by The Dragonhawk.
Alternatively depending on how much CC you have, you are able to see everything and take out everything one at a time. CC mages don't priest Kabbalist vindicators, they kill dragonhawks. eliminate the majors. A quick freeze frame.
Now the scout will patrol in Buy Cataclysm Classic Gold these areas, similar to Zalman scouts. Should you try to pull them, they'll move to the closest Sun blade protector. big robots and activate them is advised that any opportunity you can build the robot dude on its own you take.