The second reality is that they're doing it on purpose, they intentionally emphasise QOL modifications and WOW TBC Gold obvious improvements in order to artificially extend gametime and enhance performance metrics without actually having to create new content but rather just making present content take more.

It's not only classes, it's everything. Gotta create that new healthier part with all the new peace bloom and the brand new vial. What's it gonna seem like? Oh it is a red jar with some gold shit on it or something.

I recall in Legion when I first had this notion. Two months into Legion I was playing together following the narrative in Legion and suddenly to last a questline I needed to do a mythic dungeon of a particular difficulty. My guild wasn't all that organized in the time and PUG'ing mythic was a nuisance. It wasn't designed to be a casual encounter.

It stinks because I remember when they executed raid finder as a way of creating lower difficulty content so people might experience the story without having to be more of a'hardcore' player. Suddenly fundamental outdoor quests required content that is competitive.

It had been an un-ashamed, blatantly designed step intended to stop my progression in experiencing the narrative. I got it completed after two days of attempting while buy TBC Classic Gold doing other things, but two weeks later I stopped logging in and have not looked back since.