Hey! It could be been so cool minus the massive lag and eve echoes isk game crashing. Produced the battle unplayable. My ship would warp away from the fleet and then come back.It was an honor for me to be a part of this.And that is why Time dilation is coming to echoes.What is your Corp title? I'd like to join you!Pretty sure that this is the Genesis Federation Alliance in grim here.Thats right, along with other supporting fleets.

Querious Coalition was the head of operation, gen fed was an ally, it wasn't their fight however. A Discord bot for Eve Echoes Market Price, Blueprints, and more!Meet, o7. A discord bot built to help your Eve Echoes community.Invite link which comprises some direction permissions to enable extra features to assist with handling your Discord Eve Echoes community.

I have lots of ideas for that which is going to make o7 even better, and below are only a couple of these. In case you have thoughts of your own you'd like to see implemented come let me know on discord.Corporation applications & function management.Player skill level storage & automated application to blueprints you search.Skill training period calculator.Added a connection with the minimum permissions demands for your Blueprints, Market Prices, along with other overall Eve Echoes information functionality.Update!

What permissions are actually needed? It is asking me for essentially all them. Also, can it be possible to provide it scoped access to only a channel? Thank you for making this!For Blueprints & Market information you only have to give it all read and send messages. The bot has some other features, both accessible and in development, like setting roles for people and doing some recruiting automation that's the reason why it's asking for extra permissions.You can place it to specific channels by providing the bot permissions to read and send messages to just the channels you would like.

How do I set it to read only 1 channel? How can I edit bot permissions?You'll notice a function'o7' was created automatically when the bot combined your server. The bot is only going to be able to react to orders in a channel that it can read messages from.Create a brand new role, set permissions for buy EVE Mobile ISK that role, give bot said function, make certain this function is not overrode by others.