The economic situation in the game may change at any time, as most MMORPGs do. In this position, with the shift of focus and motivation of the player group, the game currency will be seriously affected. Still a good thing, it adds a distinct flavor to certain games that may become obsolete.

However, this may indeed mean that the most profitable solution for making in-game OSRS GP will fluctuate after a period of time, which leads many players to wonder, what is the most profitable skill on OSRS at the moment? We have the answer.

Theft is simple and easy to improve skill. There are several ways to improve the level of this skill. You can go straight to pickpocketing, or complete the battle arena, or steal things from the cake and tea stands at an earlier stage. Because this skill has a wealth of leveling expertise, for this reason, you can consider choosing "thief" instead of other skills, which is a more attractive leveling skill.

Pickpocketing Paladins in East Ardougne (nearby the castle and market) may net you a large number of OSRS Gold and chaos runes. Pickpocketing Paladins can be a low effort task that doesn't undertake too much time or require any special knowledge besides having a good thieving skill. It is recommended to obtain your Thieving skill be at least 70 due to this method.

Rune crafting is certainly one of the most profitable skills. In terms of what you must be crafting, opt for Double Nature Runes and Wrath Runes to maximize your gold making by the hour. Historically, Double Nature Runes are already a surefire solution to Buy OSRS GP. However, there's a fresh rune in your area, and that's Wrath Runes. Wrath Runes can net you more Gold every hour than Double Nature Runes, and they are the highest leveled runes amongst players.

Smithing. You may be surprised to find that Smithing appears on this list because it has never been very profitable from the historical version. However, Smithing is actually a very profitable skill. This transformation is actually completely related to the blast furnace. Smithing forging using a blast furnace is faster and cheaper than other methods, so it is really worth your time to try. provides players with the most reliable OSRS Gold trading platform. The best service, a variety of payment methods, quick delivery, complete inventory! The fastest and most convenient service is our highest pursuit. Follow me and get more game information.