Finding joy in the simple things can be incredibly rewarding, and creating a heart out of a gum wrapper is a perfect example of this. With just a few simple folds and twists, you can transform an ordinary gum wrapper into a charming heart that's sure to bring a smile to your face. In this article, we'll walk you through the steps to create your own heart-shaped masterpiece.

Materials Needed

How to make a heart out of a gum wrapper, you'll need the following materials:

  • Gum wrapper: Choose a standard rectangular gum wrapper for best results.

  • Clean hands: Ensure your hands are clean and free of any sticky residue.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Follow these simple steps to create a heart out of a gum wrapper:

  • Fold the Wrapper in Half: Start by folding the gum wrapper in half lengthwise, creasing it firmly along the fold to create a sharp edge.

  • Fold the Top Corners: Next, fold the top corners of the wrapper down towards the center fold, creating two triangular flaps at the top.

  • Fold the Bottom Edge Up: Fold the bottom edge of the wrapper up towards the center fold, overlapping it slightly with the triangular flaps created in the previous step.

  • Fold the Top Flaps Down: Fold the top triangular flaps down over the bottom edge of the wrapper, tucking them underneath to secure them in place.

  • Shape the Heart: Gently pinch the bottom of the wrapper together, shaping it into a rounded heart shape. Adjust the folds as needed to create a symmetrical heart.

  • Smooth Out Any Wrinkles: Carefully smooth out any wrinkles or creases in the wrapper, ensuring that the heart looks neat and tidy.

  • Optional: Add a Message: If desired, you can write a sweet message or doodle on the outside of the heart using a pen or marker.

And there you have it – a charming how to make a heart out of a gum wrapper! Whether you're looking for a creative way to pass the time or want to surprise a friend with a heartfelt gesture, making a heart out of a gum wrapper is a fun and easy craft project that anyone can enjoy.


In conclusion, making a heart out of a gum wrapper is a simple yet delightful craft project that allows you to express your creativity and spread a little love. With just a few folds and twists, you can transform an ordinary gum wrapper into a charming token of affection that's sure to brighten someone's day. So grab a gum wrapper and give it a try – you'll be amazed at what you can create with just a little bit of imagination and ingenuity!