Is RS3 much more?


I've trained my account and have had it since OS release, and the account is about the highscores. My OS and OSRS gold log in were exactly the exact same and on the same email. But my password reset is still on my own email address when I do the forgot password on my original account. So its like they picked up my account like a lego block and lost it. My password resets are good to my email along with accounts, but if I log in im back at tutorial island. Youre logging in with the account that is incorrect then partner. You may of not realized you were employing a diff acc possibly or something im not sure, but if its on HS nevertheless then it means its busy.

Is RS3 much more?

For the past few days I have started to see more and more RuneScape movies on Youtube. You know how the algorithm of Youtube functions. Watch 1 thing and it recommends increasingly more similar stuff, at least tries. I've nothing against OSRS, play anything you like provided that you feel as though you enjoy the moment. However I have yet to stumble upon a video which goes to botting issues. On the other hand I have seen at least 20 videos of OSRS bot farms, exploits or anything mass gain chances these cheaters come up with. Can this algorithm simply playing me is OSRS more vulnerable and overall devalues any legit player activity in RuneScape?

Both games surely have bot issues but they are definitely more notable in OSRS. The spiders in RS3 tend to be easier not to notice since they are farming available to all content which isn't part of their meta versus OSRS ones being in more frequently utilized areas. Overall I'd say RS3 has rather the level of bots you would expect to get an MMORPG - they're there, you can detect them but RuneScape is not overrun. OSRS is certainly tipping the scale towards being run since the engine severly restricts their bot detection potential to silently deal with bots automatically behind the scenes. Its why the"which sport is more popular" arguements between buff boys who emphasise that the opposing variant always go around and RuneScape gold buy around in circles.

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