You have to pay for membership, I never once bought a bond to the reason you talk about. So I am able to OSRS gold play games that I enjoy, I work, I should not need to work in Runescape to manage to play it. I dont know why 90-95% of gamers are currently playing with with this game. They despise playing Runescapethey want everything easier, they despise skills, they despise quests, they hate how they interact with everything, they want 1000 updates to ironman before they can enjoy ironman.

As an Ironman, I do get annoyed we are catered to by upgrades. I liked Ironman's challenge since it made me think beyond the box. I've been on a break for several months. I don't really follow the updates too closely so I'm dreading the day that I find they ruined my UIM by catering to the mode too much. It stinks that something becomes normiefied and therefore destroyed, if folks need all these changes to make ironman good they can just play regular acc and choose the restrictions themselves.

Have you got any examples? Since I really, really disagree. Ironman is slayer simulator and basically every ironman centric upgrade I could think of was just making matters less cancer for no good reason. Like sandstone mining. I suppose they fixed"Zulrahman mode" if they updated her fall table that was a step in the right direction, but it would truly be great if slayer was not the best way to get money AND skilling supplies. The shift to directors provided that started with zulrah hurt long-term ironman's allure. Having the ability to get a huge quantity of the funds you require by simply bossing or coaching slayer is pretty lame.

I have logged 250 ehp in my ironman lol. The quests at least try to be diverse and fascinating in their design. Obviously, if you consult with a quest guide to prep all the materials ahead, don't read any of the dialogue, and attempt to blitz them as fast as possible, you are likely to feel like an errand boy. Because you've stripped out all the portions of the quests which aren't errands. I keep a record eliminating things and continually adding onto. When I get sick of doing one job, I could do among the half a dozen other things I had lined up anyhow.

Unlike when I played f2p, I never feel like I am doing a grind to get its own sake, it feels like it transforms in to something else I wish to unlock/want to do. And as there's so much connective tissue between the skills/quests/unlocks/diaries, that thing you're slogging through right now will, sooner or later, assist you with something you actually want to do. I really don't feel like I'm mining because I want a mining level into mine faster with. Now I am mining because I want a coal bag to speed my smithing to generate money quicker to train everything else quicker to get more unlocks etc.. It's really satisfying to wish to do something (such as a pursuit or sth) and realize you just have one or two requirements to do it, because you already did the rest of these in support of other things you wanted earlier.

Can't wait until I have my pursuit cape. Let's get that 70 hunter. I enjoy the ride for what it is. Between having a baby on the road and work, RuneScape is the only game I will play with a grind. MMOs are out of the question due to Cheap RS gold the time necessary to grind at a pc while ACTIVELY.