Animal Crossing: rookie, let these network ready - this Bug-OFF has started the Global Island! Following the previous game off Nathan bug in animals, rookie provides a new host, a new format, as well as new, insect-themed prizes treasure trove! We look at leadership, to understand all the details about how it works.

The Bug-OFF meditation master artists Frick, who may be from his semi-regular visits to your island, in the meantime, he bought, any and all misunderstandings you gave him. Like his partner, fishing competitions host CJ, he will be stationed in residential services, from 9:00 to 8:00 pm, although other online information seems to indicate Frick will buy your mistakes, from 6 (redesigned Bug -OFF end) to 8:00 pm, we found that this is not the case of our islands, unfortunately.

Speak, Frick, Animal Crossing Items will explain the rules of the game, give your first meeting is free of charge capture. After that, all the projects are 500 points bells.

The Bug-OFF The rules are simple: You have three minutes to catch as many mistakes as you can. If you find that there are at least three errors, you can get extra points. Seize every minute bug. To capture at least three errors, you will get a bonus worth more than two points.