Originally Published on: QuantzigHow we Helped an FMCG Client Standardize Data, Delivery Mechanism, and Tracking Usage

In a pivotal partnership, Quantzig undertook the intricate data challenges faced by a leading European FMCG company with a robust workforce of 20,000. Tasked with consolidating scattered data, the company grappled with the complexities of meticulous data governance, necessitating a strategic approach to determine benchmark costs, ROI, and unleash the potential of standardized KPIs for profound business insights.

Challenges: The FMCG giant confronted hurdles arising from scattered data sources, impeding a comprehensive view. The demand for meticulous data governance strained resources, while determining benchmark costs and ROI in extensive data posed challenges, compounded by issues of redundancy.

Solutions: Quantzig identified profit-generating KPIs, gauged tangible benefits, and introduced cutting-edge automation for streamlined data processing. A bespoke platform, leveraging Microsoft Power Platforms and Synapse, showcased findings, resulting in a remarkable 60% reduction in data redundancy and a noteworthy 28% decrease in TCO.

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Impact Delivered: The initiatives yielded substantial efficiency gains, marked by a 60% reduction in data redundancy, a commendable 28% decrease in TCO, and the quantifiable delivery of business value. This success not only secured additional budgets for strategic data investments but also unlocked avenues for expansion.

About the Client: A prominent FMCG company with an expansive presence in Europe, distinguished by a diverse product portfolio and a committed workforce of 20,000 employees.

Challenges Overcome: The client adeptly navigated challenges related to scattered data, benchmark determination, and data redundancy, unlocking the full potential of their data-driven endeavors.

Strategic Solutions: Quantzig's solution instigated a data renaissance, fostering efficiency, optimization, and profitability. The integration of Microsoft Power Platform and Synapse streamlined workflows, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

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