A prominent Fintech product company found itself facing formidable challenges in managing a diverse range of products. This article is all about "CASE STUDY – FINTECH PRODUCT COMPANY". The collaboration with DevOps Enabler & Co. presented a strategic opportunity to implement Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) on the Public Cloud and deploy DevOps practices to enhance their most intricate products. This case study delves into the challenges faced, the innovative solutions implemented, and the remarkable outcomes achieved through this transformative partnership.

Challenges Faced:

The Fintech product company confronted a series of challenges that impeded their operational efficiency and hindered progress:

·         No Proper Process Template: Inconsistencies in work items, versioning, naming conventions, and folder structures across various products.

·         Manual Processes: Cumbersome manual build and deployment processes lead to increased errors and downtime.

·         Inefficient Repository System: The lack of a structured repository system impeded effective code management and maintenance.

·         Branching Strategy Issues: An inefficient branching strategy resulted in merge conflicts, human errors, and complexities in repository management.

·         Lack of Continuous Integration and Automated Testing: The absence of a robust CI/CD process led to manual efforts for code building, versioning, testing, and deployment.

·         Manual Deployment and Human Errors: Manual deployment processes were error-prone, leading to increased risks and downtime.

Innovative Solutions Implemented:

a)      Creating Process Template: The DevOps team initiated an in-depth discovery phase, meticulously documenting the differences in Work Items across all products. After careful analysis, a universal Process Template was created to address versioning, naming conventions, folder structures, and tagging, ensuring standardization across the organization.

b)     AWS Console Architecture Overview: A high-level AWS Console architecture was implemented, segregating common components (Elastic Beanstalk and SQL Server) shared among all clients and client-specific components (VMs with SQL Server). Continuous monitoring by AWS CloudWatch, coupled with alarms, ensured prompt detection of anomalies.

c)      Branching Strategy: An effective branching strategy was devised to streamline development processes. This involved creating new Sprint branches for each sprint requirement, allocating feature branches to Junior Developers, and introducing Hotfix branches for rapid issue resolution.

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d)     CI/CD Pipeline Overview: A robust end-to-end CI/CD pipeline was implemented using Jenkins, automating code push to deployment. Jenkins Pipelines triggered upon code push into Sprint Branches, generating build artifacts, and deploying them into Dev, QA, and UAT environments for comprehensive testing.

Remarkable Outcomes: 

The strategic implementation of SRE and DevOps practices resulted in transformative outcomes for the Fintech product company:

1.      Near Zero-touch Deployments: Achieved absolute error-free deployments, minimizing manual intervention and enhancing system reliability.

2.      Rapid Client Onboarding: Reduced client onboarding time from a week to mere minutes, significantly boosting client satisfaction.

3.      Common Process Template: Standardized processes increased Sprint Visibility at the Senior Management level, fostering better decision-making.

4.      Efficient Branching Strategy: A well-defined strategy reduces merge conflicts and human errors to negligible levels, enhancing overall efficiency.

5.      Comprehensive CI/CD Process: Introduced a robust CI/CD process, automating code building, versioning, testing, and deployment across Dev, QA, and UAT environments, reducing manual efforts.

6.      Automated Rollbacks: Automated rollbacks were available in case of deployment failures, ensuring swift issue resolution and system stability.

The collaborative efforts between the Fintech product company and DevOps Enabler & Co. stand as a testament to the transformative potential of modern technologies in the Fintech industry. The successful implementation of SRE on the Public Cloud and the adoption of DevOps practices have not only addressed challenges but have also propelled the organization toward a future of increased efficiency, reliability, and rapid innovation. This case study serves as an inspiring example for Fintech organizations looking to overcome challenges, embrace technological advancements, and thrive in the competitive landscape of financial technology.

Contact Information:

  • Phone: 080-28473200 / +91 8880 38 18 58
  • Email: sales@devopsenabler.com
  • Address: #100, Varanasi Main Road, Bangalore 560036.